Failed Musicals: Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Brandon Heflin
The Failures of Broadway
2 min readDec 18, 2019

In the final entry on the Failed Musical series, we have none other than a show that ironically never actually opened on Broadway. I am aware this series is supposed to follow Broadway shows, but to confirm. This show was on Broadway but only in previews and never actually had performances.

So what went wrong?

This show had many issues,

to say the least. For starters, while the group of people creating this show was interesting and intriguing like the others on this list, it failed.

The show had constant rewrites and if I had a nickel for every time the script was changed, I would be a millionaire. While I may be over-exaggerating this show had no idea what it wanted to be. Even the original book that it was based off was scrapped and a random was told to rewrite it before more tryouts. To just put the icing on the cake, once the random was put in place to rewrite the material, the director packed up and left.

This show had many issues and worst of all often before every curtain the cast would get totally new material and then proceded to have performed it that night. To sum up, Moral was low and all the heart and soul originally put into the production just like the director, it got up and left.

Well, I hope you all have enjoyed my series on Failed Musicals and I hope too that it brought inside on the shows often forgotten because of how bad they are. Most of all, the point of this series was to show, not everything on Broadway is a hit.

