Assignment: Fake it, don’t break it!

Mark C. Marino
The Fake News Reader
1 min readJan 21, 2017


Jason Blair Blurred Some Lines

Great fakers have to start somewhere. Rather than leaping in with an entire Fake News story right away, let’s try to add a dash of fake to a story that’s real.

Jayson Blair plagiarized bit. Jack Kelley embellished a tad. This is Times-honored journullistic practice.

Prompt: Add a dash of fake to a real news story.

Take an existing REAL news story and change 1 or 2 details (and enough words to make it your own). The goal is to maintain the overall integrity of the story but to just push it a bit with some fake enhancements. Fake News LA style. Make it hella Kelley and Blair it up.

Then repost it as a new story and submit it to one of our class organs!

Jack Kelley brought back the dead.



Mark C. Marino
The Fake News Reader

writer/researcher of emerging digital writing forms. Prof of Writing @ USC, Dir. of Com. for ELO, Dir. of HaCCS Lab