Assignment: Inaugural Redress: Jive Tweeting

Mark C. Marino
The Fake News Reader
2 min readJan 19, 2017


Twitter. Gotta luv it! We’re back to the telegraph. Stop!

The first assignment and class session of our course in Fake News takes us into the President-Elect’s favorite realm: the Twittsterverse! Help us Fake Live Tweet (Jive Tweet) this historic event!

Fake reporting has a long history, and Twitter is the perfect outlet for it. Not only do you not have to write actual articles, all those words and whatnot, but there is zero accountability. Just don’t yell or #hashtag — fire.

Here’s a provisional schedule to help you prep your Tweets for Friday. Consider using a tool like Tweetdeck to help you schedule out Tweets — but be ready to respond to breaking faking news.

All the Tweets:

Directions (cont. in Section Twitter, page 4b)

Tweetdeck can be your Jive Tweeting mission control!


#uacwtf (our course hashtag)

#inauguration#inaug2017 #inauguration2017 #inaugurationday
#makeamericagreatagain #USA #discountshoes

We recommend you follow all the folks using this hashtag, as they are your classmates, and some trolls, and some troll classmates.

58th Inauguration:
Theme: “Uniquely American”

Schedule: (All times EST)
(This is the realish schedule as posted by the office of inaugural planning)

6am: Gates Open
Morning Worship Service
Procession to the Capitol

9:30 Inguinal Swearing-In Ceremony: West Front of Capitol

Musical Performances

[Timing is unclear — some of the groups listed in the 11:30 hour may perform here]
(Expected: Toby Keith, 3 Doors Down, Lee Greenwood,
B Street Band: Bruce Springsteen Cover Band
And the Grope-tastic: Radio City Rockettes )
Prelude: United States Marine Band

11:30: Opening Remarks:

Call to Order: Honorable Roy Blunt

Readings and Invocation:
Archbishop Cardinal Dolan of NY
Reverend Dr. Samuel Rodriguez
Pastor Paula White-Cain
Missouri State University Chorale
Swearing in of Vice President by Justice Thomas

Performances by Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Swearing in of Donald J. Trump 45th President

Inguinal Address

Readings and Benediction:
Rev. Franklin Graham
Bishop Wayne T. Jackson
Jackie Evancho: National Anthem (of America’s Got Talent)

3pm-5PM: Parade : Theme “Black Parade”

Mike & Karen Pence
Donald & Melania Trump & (various children?)

7pm-11pm Evening: Do you have the Inguinal Balls?

Inguinal Ball: Big Apple Theme @ Walter E Washington Convention Center

Inaugural Balls: See the full list here.



Mark C. Marino
The Fake News Reader

writer/researcher of emerging digital writing forms. Prof of Writing @ USC, Dir. of Com. for ELO, Dir. of HaCCS Lab