Introducing tags, a flexible way to organize your fans

Mark Kubatov Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 1, 2018

Tags are a flexible way to organize your audience. They are also great to send targeted broadcasting messages, only for users with certain interest, for example. They are customizable labels you can create either manually or automatically and assign them to fans as needed. They can be anything that fits your business needs, for now or for the future.

How to add tags to your fans?

In the platform, there are multiple ways to add tags to your fans, either manually or automatically.

1. Adding tags manually is a simple process. Enter to the Fans menu and select a user with clicking on its name. This will open the detailed user panel, where on the right side you can select multiple tags to your user.

If you don’t have previously defined tags then you can also add new tags here, with simply just typing them. (ie. type in “test user” will create a new tag label called test user, which you can add to multiple users later on).

If you are looking to add a large number of tags (or just prefer a different method) then you can also do it under the Settings / Tags menu.

2. Tags also can be added automatically through Conversations to your fans and this is a really cool feature that opens up lots of possibilities for your marketing communication.

To add them this way, go to the Automation menu and select any conversation you previously created (or add a new one with the Create new button). When your conversation contains a postback button, you will also have the option to add a tag for that selection in the conversation.

Users who go through these conversation steps will automatically receive the defined tags.

Using tags for broadcasting

Once your audience have tags, there is also an extra option to filter your broadcasting with them. This is one of the best way to send targeted messages only for the users of interest, with larger than average conversion rates (please make sure you still comply with Messenger’s 24+1 rule as do not send direct promotional broadcast to users after 24 hours of their interaction (except for the +1)). As for sending broadcast messages through Viber, you can do the same filtering as well.


Try using tags as a lightweight way to categorize your audience or add multiple tags to each fan so you can get more targeted with your marketing! It’s a simple, yet effective method, that shows its value especially in the long run.

Additional TIP: use the same tags as you do in your CRM system and connect the two, for a more advanced marketing automation process.

Originally published at Fanbot.

