How This Powerful Marvel Scene Made Me Proud Of Being Different

People will say there’s something wrong with you, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. This unexpected Marvel scene taught me that.

Sarah C. Wilde
The Fangirl Perspective
5 min readMar 23, 2022


Sometimes the most incredible life-changing quotes come from the most unexpected places. That’s exactly what happened when I watched this beautiful scene from Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

(This post contains spoilers for season 2 of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

I sat down to watch episode 11 of season 2 for the first time with immense anticipation. The last several episodes had left me on the edge of my seat, intrigued by constant plot twists and cliffhangers. I expected the episode I was about to watch to be just as exciting, but I had no idea the episode would end up becoming so close to my heart.

One of the main characters and my personal favorite fictional character ever, Daisy ‘Skye’ Johnson, had just had her whole world turned upside down. She went through an event called ‘Terrigenesis’ and came out of it with altered DNA and the superpower to cause powerful earthquakes.

Daisy was going through a roller coaster of terrifying emotions. And to make it worse, she had to go through quarantine and tests before the doctors could be sure that she wasn’t exposed to a disease in the accident. Daisy felt so confused and completely alone, separated from the rest of her friends in S.H.I.E.L.D. She hadn’t yet learned that she had gotten quake powers and was actually the cause of the earthquake in the accident, but she knew deep inside that something had changed.

Until, one of her best friends and a scientist at S.H.I.E.L.D., Leo Fitz, figured out that Daisy’s DNA had changed and confronted her about it, telling her he thought there was something wrong with her and that she caused the earthquake. Completely terrified of the news, Daisy became so overwhelmed with fear and emotion that she accidentally caused a quake that shattered the glass light above her, revealing her new powers.

Fitz ran out of the room in fear, leaving Daisy alone to try to quickly clean up the broken glass from the floor before anyone noticed. When a couple of Daisy’s other friends and fellow agents came in, they saw the broken glass and worriedly asked Daisy what happened. Daisy started to tear up because these friends thought superpowers were a plague that needed to be eradicated.

Right when Daisy was about to tell the truth, Fitz suddenly hurried into the room and told them all that Daisy and her DNA were normal and there was nothing to worry about. The two other friends left the room with great relief of Daisy’s health, leaving Fitz alone to tell Daisy he thought it best to lie and hide the truth for a bit, until everyone calmed down and stopped thinking powers were a virus.

Daisy, grateful to Fitz’s protection but scared of herself, melted into Fitz’s arms crying. Fitz instantly comforted her, repeatedly telling her, “It’s okay.” Sobbing, Daisy said, “You’re right. There is something very wrong with me.”

Fitz immediately calmly said, “No, you’re just different now.” He paused for a moment, thinking, then told her, “You’re just different now and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Watching this scene, I instantly started crying and have cried every time I’ve watched this scene since. I couldn’t believe how perfectly it described everything I was going through.

This show and these characters that I had grown to love and hold so close to my heart, were portraying exactly what I was feeling. Because of my own trauma, I now have severe PTSD, depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. All of this causes me to act nervously around people, be scared of normal things, and overall act differently than normal people.

To see Daisy as confused and scared of herself as I am was like looking in a mirror, not at a tv.

When you’re different from normal people, you feel isolated and alone in what you’re going through. So, to have someone, even a fictional character like Fitz, tell me that there’s nothing wrong with being different, changed my entire perspective on myself. I now have the comfort of knowing that being different isn’t a bad thing, it’s simply a part of who I am.

What makes this scene even more tragic yet beautiful is that Fitz had recently had a serious head injury in the show, causing him to act incredibly differently than he used to. He now had trouble communicating what he was thinking and feeling, stuttered often, and his personality slightly shifted.

Fitz’s injury scared his best friend who he was in love with, Jemma Simmons, causing her to leave Fitz for months. Jemma had her reasons for leaving because she thought she was doing what was best for Fitz to get better, but Fitz needed her more than anyone and at the end of the day, Jemma wasn’t there for him.

In the scene with Fitz and Daisy, Fitz knew what it was like to change and have everyone see you differently. He knew what it feels like to have the person closest to you leave when you’re at the hardest moment of your life, making you feel given up on.

Fitz knew what it feels like to be scared and alone, and couldn’t let Daisy feel the same.

So, when Daisy needed him, he stayed, he protected her, he hugged her, and he told her what he must have had to tell himself all the time when he got hurt and was struggling. “You’re just different now and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Later in season 2 and throughout the rest of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s 7 season run, Daisy learned to control her quake powers and ultimately became one of the most powerful superheroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I know for a fact that Fitz’s support and encouragement to be who she really is played a monumental part in setting the foundation for that to happen.

And Fitz continued as one of the brightest minds in S.H.I.E.L.D., becoming so genius and confident that he saved the team many times!

This powerful scene perfectly sums up what it’s like to change and feel scared and alone, but it also brings extraordinary comfort and light to the importance of living life unapologetically as yourself. Daisy’s and Fitz’s incredible stories and journeys on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. are proof that being different can lead to incredible things.

Click here to shop a super cute t-shirt featuring the incredible quote, “You’re just different now and there’s nothing wrong with that,” along with more fashionable designs inspired by Marvel quotes!

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Sarah C. Wilde
The Fangirl Perspective

Writer for all things real; what I’ve learned from life, surviving abuse, how fictional T.V. shows & movies inspire real emotions.