Don’t buy Junk Tokens– choose wisely;

Aaron lobo
The FARM token
Published in
4 min readOct 11, 2018

A question that has been bothering me for some time is why do smart crypto investors think more tokens is better even though those tokens would literally be JUNK?

I am seeing this happen time and time again and was curious as to why smart people who live and breathe blockchain tend to flock towards tokens that are offered for free or at deep discounts. While FREE is awesome but cheap junk is not — because you are paying for it one way or the other!!

REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins

The more I think about it, the more it reminds me of currencies of countries like Venezuela and Zimbabwe! There is no doubt one can buy something with those currencies but in an interconnected world they have little value outside the borders of the issuers!

I tried to summarize the pros and cons of issuing tokens for cheap:


Dumb money influenced by paid hype, media? sham ICO ratings? Or marketing? Blinded by Greed? Or advisers who have padded resumes online that mean nothing in real world?

Cons: Sharp drop in token price when it gets listed on an exchange/s because the early bird buyers who purchased the tokens at deep discounts are dumping them in bulk!

It is clear from the above that the house always wins and the buyer who purchases junk en masse ends up holding the bag!

Time for individual crypto buyers to perform a honest introspection and ask if you want to be that buyer who missed out on the early bird sale that was offered at deep discount? Why?

Time is infinite but your time on earth is finite — Buying cheap tokens that have relatively little value or supporting mega projects that would take years to materialize after navigating a maze of government regulations is like hoping for miracles to happen in the 21 century!

We at FARM did evaluate our options and decided to not dole out free tokens or give them away for dirt. We did not want to leave anything to luck, we knew what we wanted and created a Token that would stand the test of time. Instead of giving away cheap tokens during presale to generate interest within the blockchain community, we decided to create two types of tokens one for presale and one for main crowd sale. The FARM Gold that are available for purchase during presale are limited, indivisible and are asset backed. Instead of offering the tokens at deep discounts we decided to offer them at a set price and listing them at 500% the presale offering price — boom there comes the value!!

The FARM Silver offered at the main crowd sale is also an asset backed token and is designed with many features that would rival other popular stable currencies that are pegged against the USD.

Still can’t see the value surrounding the FARM Token? Food is HOT. Everyone including the VC’s that funded the unicorns at silicon valley have realized its value and are investing heavily in this sector because the industry is stable and has shown an upward projection of revenue due to increase in middle class all over the world. Additionally, The accelerating pace of marijuana legalization in Canada and USA has created a new multi billion dollar segment with cannabis infused food!

Bottom line — choose wisely because time is finite and good opportunities do not last long!! If you have purchased crypto or considering purchasing then we recommend you to Sign up and get whitelisted — no point in waiting because we are only offering 500K FARM GOLD tokens during the presale and they will be distributed on a first come first serve basis — Sorry we do not offer early bird deep discounts :)

Presale Guarantee: If we do not reach our soft cap during presale then we will fully refund all your Ether within 10 days after close of presale. Peace of mind!!

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