Embracing Change to Design a Better World

We’re all heading into the unknown; the future is an undefined space that can seem daunting and uncertain. But it is also a place of infinite possibilities, creativity and ideas where the only threat to real progress is the fear of making mistakes. Change is happening all around us and it is by understanding cultural change that we, as designers, can identify the ideas that will help make a better future for us all.

Within The Feast walls, ideas form that have the power to transform our collective future for the better. And great design is at the heart of so many of those ideas. Great design creates change for better. It solves problems, connects, seduces and transforms. Now, more than ever, the importance of great design to improve lives everywhere cannot be underestimated. In order to best prepare for the ideation to come, we’ve compiled 3 key principles for the design of a better future, along with an
example that brings each to life.

The future should resolve a tension

The future should be better AND easier

The future should feel uncomfortable

Pearlfisher is a definitive creative partnership. Working with the most desirable and beloved brands, Challengers & Icons, we create change. Through Futures, Strategy & Design, we strive to make lasting impact.

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The Feast 2014

An independent creative business made of the definitive partnership of Futures, Strategy and Design. We build the most desirable brands, Challengers & Icons.