Visualizing the Future of the Optimized Body

Our health and well-being has become our most valuable and sought after wealth. Increasingly high on the agenda of organizations both big and small, the wellness of our society is one of our most pivotal, complex and sensitive challenges. To help make sense of this challenge, on an ongoing basis, we study shifts in how the new global consumer views the body. The Pearlfisher Futures Body Mode insight explores four macro cultural shifts affecting perceptions of the body and what this might mean for the future of health and wellness. Here we share core takeaways from these shifts to help us envision a future where we are living our healthiest lives.

Shift: Dictatorial to Free

We are moving away from media-dictated ideals, merging the boundaries of our race, gender, sexuality and age to create new ideals of beauty that are unique, distinctive and inimitable. This shift offers up opportunities for new movements, products, and initiatives that champion non-conformist beauty ideals.

Shift: Depreciating to Appreciating

Our changing perception of aging means that we are challenging the old and tired archetypes and the distinction between young and old is becoming increasingly irrelevant. This is creating fantastic opportunities for new stories that re-envision the value and role of elders, making us see the elderly in a much more aspirational way.

Shift: Detachment to Unison

The importance of our mental wellbeing is increasingly included in discussions of overall health. We continue to move towards an integrated approach to wellness, championing a symbiosis between our minds and bodies. While many brands are innovating in the physical space, enterprises that work for the betterment of peace of mind and mental health are just as essential to an optimized collective future.

Shift: Perfect to Optimal

Now, more then ever, we are a generation learning to thrive; perceptions of what is achievable are undergoing a radical overhaul. With an increasingly positive and proactive approach and aim to push our bodies to levels we once never thought possible we are seeing change in what constitutes the ideal body, leading us closer to empowering life-changing solutions.



The Feast 2014

An independent creative business made of the definitive partnership of Futures, Strategy and Design. We build the most desirable brands, Challengers & Icons.