(Federal) Professional Liability Insurance Isn’t Just for Federal Law Enforcement

Starr Wright USA
The Federal Starr
Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2020

Federal law enforcement agents have ample reason to purchase professional liability insurance — but don’t assume that you don’t need coverage just because you don’t work in law enforcement. The reality is that any federal employee could face an allegation of wrongdoing. Some groups of federal employees, including managers, have an increased risk of these allegations, but all federal employees can benefit from Federal Employee Professional Liability Insurance (FEPLI).

Managers Face Significant Risks

Because managers often deal with hiring and other employment decisions, they are frequently exposed to allegations of wrongdoing.

Many claims involve Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) actions. If an applicant or employee feels that they have been discriminated against or harassed due to their age, ethnicity, disability, or other protected status, they may file a claim. These allegations may be baseless, but managers must respond carefully, as any response that could be interpreted as retaliation might increase the risks posed to the manager.

Outside of employment practices, managers may face an increased risk simply because their higher rank exposes them to increased scrutiny. Constitutional torts, ethics investigations, and whistleblower investigations are among the many possible administrative, civil, and criminal actions that federal employees may face. If anything goes wrong, management will likely take the heat.

Any Federal Employee Could Be Hit with an Allegation

Some federal employees have increased and unique risks, but no federal employee is completely free of professional liability risks.

Federal employees who work with the public — either in real life or online — could face allegations stemming from their interactions. In the current era of heightened political divisiveness, many people are on edge and looking for wrongdoing.

Again, the allegations may be baseless, but this doesn’t mean that defense will be straightforward. Allegations challenging a worker’s security clearance, use of federal resources, adherence to the constitution, and ethics are all possible.

Federal Employee Professional Liability Insurance

Federal Employee Professional Liability Insurance (FEPLI) provides important protection, and every federal employee is eligible to apply for a policy. This includes federal law enforcement agents, as well as various federal employees in management positions, federal contractors, military federal civilian employees, judges, attorneys, and all other federal government employees.

Under federal legislation, you may even qualify for reimbursement of up to 50 percent of your premium cost for FEPLI. Talk to your employer to find out if you qualify.

FEPLI provides coverage for qualifying administrative, civil and criminal claims. Coverage can pay for legal advice, representation, and other services. If a claim is made against you, your agency may not defend you. FEPLI provides resources that federal employees need when facing covered claims. Learn more here.

Article authored by and containing the opinions of Starr Wright USA. This article is offered solely for informational purposes.

Starr Wright USA is a marketing name for Starr Wright Insurance Agency, Inc. and its affiliate(s). Starr Wright USA is an insurance agency specializing in insurance solutions for federal employees and federal contractors. For more information, visit WrightUSA.com. Starr Wright USA is a division of Starr Insurance Companies, which is a marketing name for the operating insurance and travel assistance companies and subsidiaries of Starr International Company, Inc. and for the investment business of C.V. Starr & Co., Inc.

