Nothing is more nonsensically American than the dictum that a one-term President is lesser than. Between Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln there were no two term Presidents. The two-term tradition began with Grant who was willing to serve a third. Hoover was not a failure because he served just one term. Go get yourself reelected when the world economy collapses. Hoover’s problem was that he had a view of the Federal government as the hand maiden of business that became abruptly anachronistic. We ought not to forget that Hoover was one of the most talented, consequential and public minded people of his generation. He was largely self-made, applied his technical expertise to make a personal fortune and shared his managerial acumen to help save Europe from starvation after WW1.

George W. Bush was Reagan’s third act. Tough to extend that string. Ford and Carter were very successful one-term (or less) Presidents because their historical task was to right the ship with a dose of character and honesty.

Joe Biden has already done his country a profound service. He put a stop, at least temporarily, to dictatorship. Since he has been in office, the pandemic has been managed, personal financial disaster for millions has been averted, long overdue infrastructure investments have been set in place, the stature of the USA abroad has been restored, the USA has orchestrated an unprecedented coalition against Putin and now breakthrough climate change and health care improvements are pending.

Is he old? Yeah. Do we regularly under value the elderly across the board in our culture. Shamefully, yes. There is no reverence for the wisdom of age. We live in a society where very little is more important than looking good naked except having money. Shallow. Shallow compounded by relentless character assassination including sinful Christians throwing the first stone.

I say this. Joe Biden has already been a very good President. What I wish is that he could add to his accomplishments the Federal guarantee of robust voting rights. This done he ascends to the near greats. And proof that a one-term President can provide an existential inflection point to sustaining what they Call the American Experiment. This completed his service would also be concluded. His success measured by what has been done, not in the number of months in office.

That there is no one of his stature to take his place is an observation we gloss over at our peril.



Bill Ouzer
The Federalist Rolling Papers: Government, Politics, Society, Self-Indulgence

Post menopausal retired lower middle manager can do without walks on the beach. Voracious napper. Inconsequentially droll.