Asked where in Florida, Hemmingway kept a home, Little Marco asks, what’s a Hemming
Rubio attempts to swallow his face in homage to Mitch McConnel

Little Marco said today that the very idea of the FBI serving a warrant on Trump is like the Gestapo! Not the case although your over-the-top drama is reminiscent of the propaganda of Gobbels.

The Gestapo were sticklers for search warrants. Probable cause is for sissies. Kick in your door, put a brand-new Luger to the back of your head and splatter your brains all over the 5th Amendment.

The Gestapo always conducted very civilized conversations with a person of interest and his attorneys. Quite often thus was in a very special, special room with a bare bulb, a folding chair and a drain in the floor.

The Gestapo killed thousands.

Himmler was no fool. Where do you think he’d find knee jerk robotic thugs? Let’s see. A MAGA rally or a visit by President Biden to the parents of dead schoolchildren.

Comparing the FBI and DOJ to the Gestapo is as ridiculous as comparing Little Marco to a spirited and effective member of the Senate.



Bill Ouzer
The Federalist Rolling Papers: Government, Politics, Society, Self-Indulgence

Post menopausal retired lower middle manager can do without walks on the beach. Voracious napper. Inconsequentially droll.