
The Fem Lit Mag
The Fem
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2016


Submissions are rolling — always free, always open.

Please wait 3 months before submitting again unless the editor requests to see more of your work.

We encourage thought-provoking works that highlight the personal experiences of women, LGBTQIA individuals, people of color, people with disabilities, and other oppressed creators. We encourage experimental pieces that mix genres and show us something new with structure. If it mixes genres, don’t stress — we’ll figure out where to place it.

We accept works that have been previously published — just note where it was published so we can give credit.

Multiple submissions okay within genre or across genres.

Please note that your work does not have to be explicitly about womanhood, what it means to be disabled, the queer experience, etc. — we simply want work that is representative of a variety of voices and experiences. If you have fully fleshed-out characters from diverse backgrounds that don’t play into stereotypes, we consider it feminist. For more information about what we consider to be feminist writing, please review our philosophy.


Send audio and/or video to with SPOKEN WORD in the subject line. Signed spoken word pieces and ASL submissions welcome! All spoken word submissions must have a transcription in Word document along with third person bio and social media links.


You may submit up to 5 pieces of art at a time. Please let us know if you consider the pieces to stand alone, or to be a set. Send work as attachments to with ART in the subject line and artists statement (if included) and bio + social media links in Word document.


Word count must be under 4,000 words. We are willing to accept flash fiction (under 800 words). Send work in Word document along with third person bio and social media links to with FICTION in subject line.


Word count must be under 4,000 words. We accept personal essays and flash creative nonfiction (under 800 words). Send work in Word document along with third person bio and social media links to with NONFICTION in subject line.


You may submit up to 5 poems at a time in a single Word document. Please do not exceed 10 pages total. Send work in document along with third person bio and social media links to


Email your bio, links to books/published work, and why you think you’re a good fit for The Fem’s Featured Fem section to


To request that your book be reviewed, please send a query to Include a synopsis and author bio, and query only one book at a time. Not all queries will be pursued. We request that you send us a print copy of the book, unless this is not financially possible; then, a PDF will do. This will be discussed between writer/publisher and our Reviews Editor.


Please allow 1–2 months for a response, possibly less. If you have not heard from us regarding your submission in two months, feel free to inquire to make sure that it hasn’t been lost. Expect it to take anywhere from 2–6 months for your work to be posted on the site. Thank you for your patience!

