Israel’s Occupation of Palestine: An Apartheid System and Human Rights Violation

Jánelle Marina Méndez
The Feminist
Published in
6 min readFeb 18, 2023

Following reports of 2022 being the most deadly year in the Israel-Palestine conflict, the UN General Assembly on 30 December adopted a resolution that requested the International Court of Justice issue an advisory opinion relating to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory while the U.S. blocked the resolution.

Israel’s occupation of Palestine has been a contentious issue for decades, with both sides of the conflict holding strong beliefs about their rights and legitimacy. However, there is increasing evidence that the Israeli government’s treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories constitutes a system of apartheid and a gross violation of human rights. Yet when anyone discusses Jesus’s homeland in Palestine being under attack, it’s called Anti-Semitic when it’s not.

Apartheid is a term that originated in South Africa to describe a system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination. While the situation in Israel and Palestine is different in some ways, there are clear parallels between the two situations. Palestinians living in the occupied territories are subject to a different legal system than Jewish settlers, with discriminatory laws and policies that limit their access to basic human rights such as freedom of movement, access to water, and the ability to build homes and businesses.

One of the most significant aspects of the apartheid system in Israel and Palestine is the construction of settlements in the occupied territories. Israeli settlers are able to live in these settlements and enjoy full Israeli citizenship and rights, while native-born Palestinians living in the same area are subject to military rule and have limited access to basic services such as healthcare and education.

The Israeli government also uses a variety of tactics to maintain control over the occupied territories and suppress Palestinian resistance. These include military checkpoints, the construction of a separation barrier, and the use of live ammunition against protesters and those who dissent Israel’s occupation.

The human rights violations committed by the Israeli government in the occupied territories have been well-documented by organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. Palestinian residents of the occupied territories face daily indignities and discrimination, with little recourse for justice or protection.

In conclusion, Israel’s occupation of Palestine is an apartheid system and a gross violation of human rights. The international community has a responsibility to speak out against these injustices and to work towards a just and peaceful resolution to the conflict as the UN voted in favor of a resolution which would allow the International Court of Justice to issue a binding opinion, the U.S. Government stopped this much needed process from ocurring. Only through dialogue, compromise, and a commitment to human rights can we hope to achieve a lasting peace in the region.

Let’s examine how Israel infringes on both state and human rights:

Palestine meets the criteria for being a distinct nation, as it comprises a group of people who share a common identity, culture, language, and history. While nations are often defined by shared ethnicity, religion, or language, they can also be founded on shared political beliefs or values. It is worth noting that nations do not always require a specific state or territory and can exist without one.

Palestine’s status as a state and nation-state is due to the presence of its Hamas government. A state is a political entity that has a defined territory and a government that exercises sovereignty over that territory. States are recognized by other states and have the right to engage in diplomatic relations with other states. Unlike nations, states are not necessarily based on shared ethnicity, religion, or language. The United States, for example, is a state that comprises multiple nations, including Native American, African American, and European American nations.

A nation-state is a state whose population is predominantly made up of a single nation. Unlike other states, nation-states are founded on a shared identity, culture, language, and history. Nation-states are often associated with the concept of self-determination, as they offer a way for a nation to exert control over its own future. France, Germany, and Japan are examples of nation-states. Palestine is widely recognized as a separate nation around the world yet global powers do not step up to support Palestine’s liberation due to the U.S.-Israel allyship which makes any U.N. Resolutions ineffective and symbolic in nature.

Rabbi Akiva’s famous statement “Whatever you hate to have done to you, do not do to your neighbor; therefore do not hurt him; do not speak ill of him; do not reveal his secrets to others; let his honor and his property be as precious to you as your own” is a reminder of the importance of treating others with respect and dignity. However, Israel’s extremist government’s actions towards Palestine have been in stark violation of these Jewish tenants, resulting in numerous human rights violations and harm to the Palestinian people.

The establishment of settlements in the occupied territories, discriminatory laws and policies, and the use of military force to maintain control have all contributed to the suppression of Palestinian rights and freedoms. This goes against the teachings of Rabbi Akiva and other Jewish leaders, who stress the importance of treating others with kindness and compassion.

The Israeli government’s actions towards Palestine have resulted in the displacement of countless families and the destruction of homes and businesses. This goes against the principle of respecting others’ property and possessions, which is a core tenet of Judaism.

Furthermore, the use of derogatory language and labeling of Palestinians as “terrorists” or “enemy combatants” violates the principle of not speaking ill of others. This contributes to a culture of dehumanization and allows for the justification of actions that harm and oppress others.

However, Israel’s actions towards Palestine have resulted in numerous violations of both state and human rights. This includes the establishment of settlements in the occupied territories, discriminatory laws and policies, and the use of military force to maintain control. These actions have led to a suppression of Palestinian rights and freedoms, a lack of access to basic services, and ongoing conflict and violence. As such, it is important for the international community to address these issues and work towards a peaceful and just resolution for both Israelis and Palestinians.

As long as we censor legitimate criticism of Israel’s extremist government towards Palestine, we enable the ongoing corruption and direct violation of Jewish tenants and principles, as well as human rights. It is important for individuals and communities to hold their leaders accountable and work towards a more just and peaceful resolution for both Israelis and Palestinians. Only through empathy, understanding, and a commitment to justice can we hope to achieve a lasting peace in the region.




Jánelle Marina Méndez
The Feminist

Award-winning Author, Inventor, FinTech Entrepreneur | I write a human rights newsletter called The Feminist. I sometimes write about my life in FinTech.