The Republic Roundtable: A Place for Pro-Democracy Dialogue

Looking for Medium Intellectuals who are looking to participate in ongoing pro-democracy debates that focus on human rights and for submissions to The Feminist Publication!

Jánelle Marina Méndez
The Feminist
2 min readNov 23, 2022


This isn’t my usual medium article for The Feminist Publication. This is a call to action. I am calling for submissions to The Feminist that surround pro-democracy dialogue that are rooted in human rights. I have written a U.S. Human Rights Manifesto titled, “The Pathway Towards Peace.” That will be used as guiding points for the types of article submissions I am looking for.

Beyond the article submissions, I am looking to develop The Republic Roundtable, a weekly meeting where writers, intellectual thinkers, and learners can come together to discuss human rights issues threatening our Democracy. Ideally, I’d like to build a community of pro-Democratic activists and advocates who are interested in using our voices collectively to defend Democracy on our various platforms through a universal strategic avenue.

Where we can discuss the manifesto topics and how we can approach actualizing the strategies together; through constructive dialogue. I’m especially interested in PhDs, students, candidates and Doctors, activists, and writers.

If you are interested in joining The Republic Roundtable & writing for The Feminist please reach out to me via email with the following information and leave a comment on this article with your interest:

  1. Name
  2. Degree or credentials if any and subject matter expertise.
  3. Area of human rights that most interest you: Wealth Inequality, Religious Indoctrination, Feminism, Radicalization Pipeline, Climate Crisis, Racism, Sexism & Misogyny, Violence (all types), Other systemic issues that threaten our Democracy.
  4. What ways do you want to contribute to this pro-democracy movement?
  5. Are you interested in solely writing articles or are you also interested in participating in our Roundtable discussions for writers and activists?
  6. What do you feel your strengths are and what areas do you feel like you need help to expand your knowledge on human rights?
  7. What would you like to see from The Republic Roundtable?
  8. What is your availability? Dates and times, include time zone. References how many hours difference from Atlantic Standard Time (AST).
  9. Email

The Republic Roundtable is a pro-democracy volunteer based movement to engage medium writers and activists to collaborate on pro-democracy messaging and strategies. This Roundtable will collaboratively work to develop The Feminist Publication into a strong Pro-Democratic and Pro-Human Rights Voice on Medium and Beyond!



Jánelle Marina Méndez
The Feminist

Award-winning Author, Inventor, FinTech Entrepreneur | I write a human rights newsletter called The Feminist. I sometimes write about my life in FinTech.