An Indolent’s Excursion

Shreyas Thirumalai
The Festember Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2018

Have you ever exaggerated your winnings? Do you find it hard to never spice up your story while narrating it to others? Read on to find out more about one such endeavor.

“Three women energetically running down Mount Tamalpais as waters in the distance reflect the golden sunset”, Source: Unsplash

With a foot resting on the sand,
And the other held in his hand,
The journey transpired before his eyes.

The seven seas had to be conquered,
Kickbacks had to be offered,
Tolls had to be paid,
And roads had to be made.

Treacherous trails had to be traversed,
And the rain gods only made it adverse.
Respite was found in the ultimate prize,
He dearly hoped it to be fries,
For hunger tormented the stomach
As his feet imprinted themselves on the hummock,
Spectator glances only made it harder
Lost along the way, was his ardor.

“Almost done”, he would repeat to himself,
He couldn’t help but steal glimpses of the shelf,
No soul was found in the distance.
It finally paid off, his persistence.

Alas! Word was, he took an additional hour,
To be met by folded arms and a glower.
The ultimate prize, delicacies of the middle east
Had digested themselves in the bellies of the beasts.

Shawarma was a far cry,
Fries were a distant thought,
Kebabs existed in a distant dimension.
Unsavory sweet potatoes smirking at him unwelcoming
Was all that ensued of his becoming.

Nevertheless, the one hundred foot journey,
Fraught with difficulties was right on the money.

