At The Flap Of A Wing

Cometh the Tempest

Shashvat Jayakrishnan
The Festember Blog
3 min readAug 16, 2018


Eve is eighteen, and now, as a young adult she ponders upon life’s questions. To her, the most intriguing of these thoughts is how the things around us are exactly the way they are. Eve is awestruck by this immense reduction of innumerable possibilities to just this one occurrence, which is the present. The poem is a perspective of Eve’s life, her family, friends, Adam, and the world through her eyes.

The concept of this poem is inspired from the phenomenon of The Butterfly Effect; hence the title. Also, the poem has references to, presumably, the first two persons of the human kind- Adam and Eve. It reflects on how it all started with them and how we are here today in a world that is exactly the way it is.

“Butterfly Effect”, Source : Boorp

Often the mind soars
Around a thought, so void-
“How things are exactly the way they are”
The sky is blue.

And Blue is cold.
My blood is red.
And Red is warm.
The young wind kisses my cheek,
As I lay blushing on the grass that’s Green.
I feel the dew tickling my spine,
But I don’t laugh, for I am in awe.
Struck by the magnificence of the trees.
I wish to look through their eyes,
I wish to reflect on centuries in nostalgia,
I wish to squeeze the experience off the barks,
And dig for wisdom down the roots,
Seeking the answers which fill the void,
The answers that quench my thoughts,
The thoughts that daunt me-
“How things happened exactly the way they did”

Walking the boulevards of the city I happen to be in,
Alongside my friend who happens to be my friend,
I am lost in wonder.
I stroll stupefied along the streets,
Overwhelmed by the consequences
Of every seemingly miniscule choice we make,
And every decision we take.

Every flower I pick,
Every stone I kick;
Brings me to this very moment.

Speaking to Adam under the late evening sky-
A subtle purple-
I am lost in fantasy.
Lost in my soul’s Eden.
Lost in a world without Adam by my side,
A world without the inseparable people of my life,
Without the friends,
Devoid this family.
I am among people I have never seen before,
People I have never known yet,
Perhaps living in oblivion.
Yet it seemed like we are all stitches on a fabric:
A fabric of different colors,
And different textures.

Having realized how myopic our desires are,
And how trivial our attachments are,
I see a fruit from a tree forbidden.
I believe I see how it all began.
But I fail to comprehend,
How we have steered to this day, since then,
Exactly the way we have.

We have the boon of knowledge,
But the bane of death.
The serpent offered the fruit of one but not the other.
Banished, are we all from this Eden;
But cocooned we are,
In our own little havens.

I snap out of the dream,
To feel Adam brushing my hair.
My dreams feel more realistic,
And my reality more like a dream.
A dream that could have never happened, but did.

Staring at the perpetual night,
I admire the firmament, a beautiful noir.
Garnished with stars all over.
Enraptured, I lay,
Questioning the very existence of this world:
The world that fell a few leagues shy of doom;
The world ever since blooming with tulips of life;
The world we all call home.

Around a thought, so void,
Often the mind soars,
“How things happened exactly the way they did.”
“How things are exactly the way they are.”

- Eve

