Blogs- An Outlook on life

Team Content Festember
The Festember Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 29, 2017

“To blog, is to share and to connect, to create and to inspire”
- Anonymous
I believe that man was, and always will be a social animal, with the need to constantly express themselves. In fact, this takes precedence over many of our other needs.
For example, Many people, on waking up, check their Facebook page and chats before even getting around to their lives. We have evolved into a species, so enthralled in each other’s lives that prying into them (with or without permission) becomes second nature to us. Each and every message we send, status update we share, picture we post intimates our social circle with many of the details we crave to share.

Yes, each of these social messages, serves as a blog of its own. Blogs don’t have to be long huge essays or articles. A blog can even be as simple as a single image, that connects people together.
Blogs work on the principle of sonder, which is realizing that every individual is living a life as complex as ours and that many of ours are intertwined as well.

For those of you who have been living under a rock, for the past two decades or so, you don’t have to fret, let me tell you exactly what a blog is -

“A blog is a frequently updated online personal journal where one expresses themselves to the world.”
The Merriam Webster definition *almost* captures the essence of what it is, which is simply a place to share your thoughts and your passions, and to reach out and connect to many more like-minded individuals.

“A blog, is quite simply, anything and everything you want it to be”.

The fact remains that every human has a voice to be heard and what better medium to carry it out, than the internet! Unparalleled in its reach, unmatched in its connectivity and quite simply unsurpassed in its ability to reach a global audience with absolutely no trouble. Bloggers have the opportunity of reaching hundreds or even thousands of people each and every day.


Many people like to share every small incidence in their lives, for happiness lies in the little details of life. They may post several times a day, detailing when they ate lunch and when they headed home from work. There are bloggers who dedicate their blog to something they are passionate about, descriptive stories and quirky tales are replaced by raw facts and stated points. Yes, blogs can fulfill the social need of everyone, from the happy-go-lucky teen rambling about life, to the future political leader, stern and brash in his outlook.

In fact, today’s blogs can provide hair tips, up-to-date news, technical information, celebrity scandal, political rumor, investments as well as blogs about niche topics like cooking, health, gardening, sport, blogs about blogs (this blog) and of course many personal blogs and quite a few strange blogs as well (ferret racing and samurai sword collection are the ones I recall).

There happen to be a few people who dislike the idea of a blog, simply because privacy is a matter of pristine importance to them. However most people, even the most introverted of introverts, find comfort in atleast one blog on the internet. They find comfort, and a sense of Zen, almost as if it’s somewhere they’ve belonged all their lives.
Yes, blogs are capable of changing a person’s lives. You don’t even have to write the blog for that matter. Simply reading and connecting to another blogger on a spiritual, emotional level, gives you a heightened sense of encouragement.

Blogs also improve your command over the English language and test the depth of your grasp over it. They help you find who you are, for yourself. What you yearn to be and who you wish to see, staring at a mirror a few years from now.
In hindsight, yes blogs are pretty cool, and we, as inquisitive humans, naturally feel we deserve to discover who we really are. This discussion has left me with a sense of emptiness though. I feel I need to rediscover myself again.

Maybe I’ll write another blog!

This article was written for Festember: The Renaissance by
Shane Cookies Menon



Team Content Festember
The Festember Blog

Team Content for Festember is the official literary team of Festember, NIT Trichy’s inter college cultural festival.