Déjà Vu

There’s nothing to lose

Navilan Akilan
The Festember Blog
3 min readOct 23, 2020


The patron. Illustration by Navilan Akilan

Part I:

Walls of amber

staring into my aura.

Demitasse and chatter,

a recipe I’m sure of.

“Un cafè crème!”,

the darkest aroma.

A cold brew, out of this realm,

to shatter his coma.

A French window gaze

And scribbles on his napkin.

I serve him, through a maze.

My vision, now wrapped in.

The flashback. Illustration by Navilan Akilan

Part II:

Like a key,

Into a trance,

Unlocks a memory,

From France.

Bienvenue to a land

of amethyst skies.

By the Eiffel, we hold hands.

Let’s never say goodbye.

Wake up! It’s not a dream.

I have things to do,

It’s more than it seems.

The studio. Illustration by Navilan Akilan

Part III:

I pedal my way through

An overflowing street.

In my mind, I drew.

A masterpiece to complete.

Open the door,

Stretch out a canvas.

Dust the floor,

Let in the light behind us.

Velvet drapes and oil shades,

I’m all set to create.

The whiff of fixative fades,

I hallucinate.

In my mind. Illustration by Navilan Akilan

Part IV:

It’s a journey

I like not knowing.

The mind, a flight of a bumblebee.

Come to my fantasy, I’m going.

Bristles fly across the canvas,

Covering up the holes of my piece.

Is it Warholian? Is it grotesque?

A two dimensional emotion, in peace.

A mix of hues,

None dared to use.

To me, a symphony.

To them, noise.

At the back of my head, a voice:

“A misfit in society’s puzzle,” it annoys.

Do what I want?

Do what they want?

You don’t know.

Sold out. Illustration by Navilan Akilan

Part V:

Vermillion bleeds

Through the high ceiling fenestration.

The painting, now complete.

But my heart filled with frustration.

Varnish runs down like tears,

Of joy? Of fear.

I rush to the gallery,

Desperate for my salary.

Verbal daggers stab,

As I try to keep smiling.

The audience in confusion,

But I must keep fighting.

Goodbye. Illustration by Navilan Akilan

Part VI:

At first, a passion;

Now, a nightmare.

My thoughts, a distraction.

But the truth, I can’t bear.

Grey days, endless.

Life is monotonous.

Bury the scars,

Don’t be a star.

I need to make ends meet.

Maybe art is just not for me?

Let’s not cry,

Just say goodbye.

Part VII:

Est-ce que tout va bien?

(Is everything alright?)

I stood speechless, with sugar cubes.

He ordered a decaf delight.

A second chance? Illustration by Navilan Akilan

A life lived in fear

Is a life that’s not lived.

This poem was penned in collaboration with Sabharinathan.

