Heart of Ice

When in pain, being numb keeps you sane.

Sandip Nair
The Festember Blog
3 min readMar 19, 2018


Source: Dragoart

The body’s natural reaction to any sort of physical injury is pain, to warn you that something’s wrong with it. Similarly, a broken heart housing a helpless soul often tries to create barriers around itself to avoid facing harsh realities.

One cannot just go into seclusion, avoiding contact with all life. By maintaining a believable facade over the broken interior, such people carry on with their lives. Is any emotion warm enough to melt their frigid hearts?

Thriving, almost magical
Emotions filled his heart,
Unlike his brain; annoyingly smart —
The embodiment of everything practical.

One day, his heart was pierced,
By the dagger of fate, so fierce;
Gave him no time to think,
Or to breathe, or to blink.

Source: Healthista

Pent up feelings spilled out as tears,
With the realization of his worst fears,
As his emotions spilled,
The inner warmth in him was killed.

Devoid of feeling, of emotion,
Of time, space, every notion,
He carried on with his existence,
With a frightening persistence.

Source: Passitout

His challenge to fate;
Emotions were just a barrier,
Thorns in the path of his career,
Hence, to his heart he shut the gate.

He smiled, laughed, talked and thought,
The same could be done by a robot,
Though this went undetected by most,
In human form, he was a lifeless ghost.

Into his life, entered she,
With whom he was destined to be,
A ray of light in his dark night,
For her, it was love at first sight.

Source: northbrisbane

“I love thee!”, said she,
“You and I are meant to be.”
He laughed, without mirth,
“That’s the most ridiculous thing on Earth!”

“Go seek another soul”
“What is good, if not whole?”
“You should have known from the start”
“I have a frozen heart.”

Heartbroken, she wept,
Furious, she left.
What possibly could mend
A disbelief that knew no end?

One day, he got a message,
“Your mother fell ill during her pilgrimage”
Jolted his heart from slumber deep,
There was not enough time to weep!

Source: Moralstories

“Be a good person”, was all she said,
As his mother lay on her deathbed,
Love finally melted the ice,
He wept, loss pouring out his eyes.



Sandip Nair
The Festember Blog

Theoretical CS geek. Fantasy freak. Meek. Some cheek. ;)