Last Seen In 2017

Tejas Harirajan Radhakrishnan
The Festember Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2018
Another three crore seconds Source: G.B. Knapp

A whole other year has come and gone,

It’s 365 days, oh my.

Each second felt like eternity,

Now it has all flashed by.

But whether or not time has flown,

Noted were some events,

Each instance a spark in 2017,

Together makes fireworks immense.

A man the US elected,

They thought him their trump card.

With a vow to resurrect America,

He’d built a wall rock hard.

Interconnected society spreads around,

Social sites are splendidly doing.

Mark Zuckerberg is truly happy,

Two billion are Facebooking.

Saudi has finally seen the day,

The robot now its own denizen.

So real she’s become one of us,

And stands with us like a citizen.

People love challenges,

Like coding away in Java.

So at this very inst- watch out,


But what’s lava to our perspiration king,

From the block to the spot.

For a guy with quick maths,

He’s never feeling hot.

NITT had four days

When Hanzo ran around

Dancing, singing, playing all along,

The fest was his home ground.

It’s been 70 years since India’s been

Free of rule unjust.

Now look from where we’ve developed,

We’ll leave all else in the dust.

The lightning bolt’s had a good sprint,

He’s left a quake in his wake.

Now he’s left his unbeaten record

For someone else to break.

A new system has come in place,

An indirect form of tax.

Now anything with goods and services

Really can’t have it lax.

The first has bought the third,

The mouse dictates the fox.

Now I guess The Avengers and X-Men

Might come in the same box.

Now let’s show some consideration,

For the number of children who’ve passed.

With so many schools in peril,

Only few with bullets amass.

And the cyclone in Southern India,

Ockhi showed no mercy.

The rains came on down too hard,

So much water, but still thirsty.

All it took was an American,

He made the world sit down humble.

Then one Spanish and one Canadian

Made the same place rumble.

Memes here there everywhere!

If only the pig could get his oat.

The expanding brain along with salt bae.

The betrayed man dons his coat.

But the biggest meme of all,

Man with his fidget spinner,

Dressed in Santa’s red and white,

Net neutrality won’t be the winner.

So much more the year had in offer,

The calendar marks its last X.

But now us students with our grade cards

Can only look forward to the next.

