Paper To Pixels

The art of making fine cinema

Daniel Sujay R
The Festember Blog
3 min readJul 30, 2018


Cinema is the most beautiful fraud in the world
— Jean Luc-Godard

Source: ChaudharyFilm

Film making is an art that lets you live many different lives in a single lifetime. The beauty of cinema is unparalleled and we all enjoy it. So, let’s take a look at what goes into making any film, no matter its length, language or genre.


Any film starts with an idea, a story that someone wants to show the world. While the inspiration can be a book, a real event or fiction, the first step is to write the script. Then comes the screenplay and story boarding that brings the script to life and gives the director and crew an insight into how the film should be shot. Next comes location scouting ,shoot scheduling and casting(if the writers and director do not already have actors in mind for the roles). Finally, the production design team work on creating the perfect set to complement the story and make the film aesthetic and believable. The factor that governs the entire process is the budget. It is essential to spend money wisely based on available resources to make a great movie.

One of the story boards of Jurassic Park, Source:ScreenCrush


Production is when the footage is recorded. It is generally the production houses like 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros. and Universal Studios that supply both the crew and the equipment for lighting, camera work, set design, hair and make up etc. Contrary to popular assumption, actual production takes less than 40% of the entire time that is put into making a movie. However, it is in this stage that the cinematography and the skill of the actors come into play and these factors can decide the fate of the film at the box office. Production is tedious with multiple takes, quick rehearsals and make up in between and long periods of waiting for lighting and production design teams to get their work done. Once the director decides that enough raw material has been shot, the production phase is wrapped up.

A set in which an action sequence is being filmed, Source: UniversalStudiosHollywood


After all the required footage has been filmed, the shots have to be edited by removing the sequences that aren’t required and then placing the rest in the right order. Sound design has to be done as well because all the required noises(door slamming, gunshot etc.) cannot be required on set. Dialogues are also dubbed in and the score is composed based on the mood and setting of various scenes. Once the final cut is out, the producers, director and actors promote the film at events, talk shows etc. Finally, before the film is released for viewing, there’s a premiere at which most of the cast and crew watch the film for the first time.

A video editing studio, Source: Kjvids

What all movies strive to do is to transport you to a different world, at a different time, into someone else’s shoes. Some movies show us that dreams come true while others tell us that magic is real. That is why this art will live forever, because it lets us experience many lives all at once. And at the end of it, when we leave the theater or close our laptops, we know that we will come back for another film, and another after that, because no matter how good today was, there will be — there must be a better tomorrow.

The show must go on, and it will!



Daniel Sujay R
The Festember Blog

is a storyteller and a poet who tries to make sense of chaos.