
An annual escape

Team Content Festember
The Festember Blog
2 min readOct 5, 2017


It opens once every 365 days,
A portal to an otherworldly place,
As soon as you step in,
You put your worries in the bin,
Mirth and joy you embrace.

4 days you stay detached,
From worldly duties,
Hunting in crowds for hot dudes,
Looking for gorgeous beauties.

Events here have no comparison,
An escape from the academic prison,
Workshops to keep you busy,
Rocking pro-shows that leave you dizzy.

The fuel of the fest,
The scrumptious food,
Is among the best,
It lights up your mood.

Lectures by eminent personalities,
Talking about their wondrous abilities,
Helping the society, being responsible,
Knowing that we are capable.

When it is time to leave,
Return to daily routine,
You just can’t believe,
You’ve witnessed something so pristine.

Memories priceless you take away,
Culture at its pinnacle,
It’s Festember, the miracle,
Of which you’re now a member.

  • by Sandip Nair

Image Credits: Pixelbug, NIT Trichy.

Rise, Rave, Reminesce

Is it time to set aside and lay all to rest,
Now that we’ve come to the end of the fest?
Four days of being lively and merry
May have exhausted not just the weak and weary,
Yet even they remember those four as among their life’s best.

So don’t hesitate to reminisce and reflect
And to recollect in retrospect
Those days of pure joy and delight
For those memories that shine bright
Are yours forever, untarnished and perfect.

  • by Venkat Natarajan

This article was written for Festember: The Renaissance by Sandip Nair and Venkat S.



Team Content Festember
The Festember Blog

Team Content for Festember is the official literary team of Festember, NIT Trichy’s inter college cultural festival.