The Prestige

The Festember Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2019

As the mystery behind the Forgotten unravels with the detective having analyzed the tales of the production manager, the veteran actor, the wife and the make-up artist, will the culprit finally be brought to justice?

Source: Pinnedmtb

All the world’s a stage — all the men and women are merely players.

We are all part of a bigger play. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made even if it’s at the cost of the players, to achieve greatness.

Such a renowned detective, yet so deluded. The answers were right in front of his eyes and yet. This world sees only the conventional, thinks only in black and white. It can’t perceive anything beyond the ordinary. It lives and dies in oblivion. A life of a simpleton.

“So, who killed Henry Larson?”

“Well, if I knew that I would still have a career.”

The stranger drained his drink and sighed.

“You were never able to figure it out, huh? But at least you got to drink a 50-year Balvenie at the crime scene of your final investigation.”

“Yes, that was one hell of a drink. It was a poor man’s sip of gold, a glass of it was just lying there untouched and I would have been a fool to let it go.”

“You did the right thing. But you must agree, him dying on stage gave the play the perfect ending, just the kind of ending it deserved. Royce’s masterpiece.”

The detective stirred. Something was amiss. “Well… that's one twisted way to see it. You look eerily familiar. Have I ever seen you anywhere before?”

“You might want to slow down there with the drinks.”
He paid no heed to it and waved at the bartender.

“I'll have one of whatever he was having.”

The bartender served him the drink and he took a sip.

The taste of the drink took over him as he realized it was the same drink he had on the fateful night of the play.

"But this is a Balvenie,” the detective slurred as he whispered to himself.

“I thought you wanted what he was having.”

It hit the Detective then that he had never mentioned what he drank that night.

“You do have to admit it made the play perfect. Far from forgotten,” the stranger announced as he made his exit.

This series was conceived and penned by Aryaman Yadav, Milan Morais, Monisha R, Pujan Yadav, Sabharinathan, Sunil Jagatheesan, Surya Sridhar, Umar Ali Khan, G.s. AviNash, Kavya Muralidharan, Kumaraguruparan R, Murali Krishna, Shreyas Thirumalai, Antony Terence and Abhishek Ramachandran.
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