Fiction|Writing Challenge|October

Hodgepodge Challenge — No 5

Desperate people do desperate things — Themed Challenge!

Sweet Chaos
2 min readOct 12, 2022


Treasure room — AI image using Nightcafe
Treasure room — AI image using Nightcafe

Happy “hump day!” What I have come to enjoy most from these challenges is watching different authors take the same ingredients, the same prompts and elements, and turn them into amazing stories that vary so widely!

Here is Hodgepodge Challenge to spice up your mid-week and rack up the points! Good luck achieving first place!!

You may partake in any of the challenges at any time. Tag me and I will add your story to that month’s line-up! Points will be awarded only during the current month’s challenge.

Who doesn’t love a good provocation to get the creative juices flowing?!

Writing prompt choices

(1 point each or 2 points for using both):

  • Desperate people do desperate things. What have they done? Why did they do it? Is it known or are they attempting to conceal secrets?
  • A series of unfortunate events. What happened to bring your character to where they are? Are there dire consequences?

Elements to include

(1 point each):

  1. Something vanishes



Sweet Chaos

Tickling your senses through fiction writing while shocking you with the outcome! Nothing is as it seems!