Fiction | Science Fiction

Magnificent Magenta of Time Travel

What happens when your true love invents time travel and she is the first to head off into the future… but never returns? Do you blindly chase her? Do you wait and hope for her to return?

Stephen Kramer Avitabile
5 min readMar 29, 2023


A man waits in a futuristic time-travel terminal with the terminal attendant — AI image using Midjourney

A gargantuan grape-colored glow stick, the FlewChin bisects Glendale, California, and runs alongside the freeway until it disappears into another time.

It stops glowing. Fletcher is fixated on it. Someone approaches. She smiles at Fletcher, readies her Osmium board, and leaps into the FlewChin.

The FlewChin glows immensely. From that dull, dark grape color to magnificent magenta. The woman is flung forward. Her Osmium board already deteriorating. She jumped in with a basketball-sized board. That’ll carry her 200 years in the future before it disintegrates.

Fletcher smells that familiar scent. Permanent marker. You never smell that anywhere. These ancient tools were used by humans back in the 1900’s. They fell out of common use in 2100.

Now, in 2323, Montrell’s the only person seen with them. Montrell sits in the booth, marker in his mouth, cap open, that sickly aroma wafting in the terminal. Fletcher wanders…



Stephen Kramer Avitabile

New-England-Born, LA-Based, Universally-Locally-Residentially-Unknown Writer. I have my Yellow Belt in Wordsmithery.