January Net Neutrality Update

Jon Perri
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2018


Verizon protest in San Francisco.

Only 23 days into 2018 and already so much has happened on the issue of net neutrality. Our petition continues to climb and now has over 2.2 million supporters so I’ll be providing a monthly news roundup to keep you all informed. Inside our first newsletter: an update on efforts in the Senate, two ways states can protect net neutrality, and what’s going on with millions of fake FCC comments.

Following the FCC’s vote, Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass.) announced a Congressional Review Act resolution that if passed, would stop net neutrality repeal. His effort hit a key milestone this month when Senator Claire McCaskill became the 30th Senator to sign on in support — that’s the key number needed to force a vote on the Senate floor. Even more exciting, that resolution now has the support of 50 senate members. That means just one more vote is needed for it to pass the Senate.

Our partners at Battle for the Net make it easy to see where Senators stand and for you to send a tweet to them. Click here.

The downside here is that even if this can get moved through the Senate, the bill is unlikely to pass the House or be signed by President Trump. Don’t let that discourage you. This is an powerful show of force from net neutrality supporters ahead of the midterm elections that will lawmakers know you’re not backing down.

This week, Montana became the first state to implement net neutrality rules when Gov. Steve Bullock (D) signed an executive order that requires internet service providers with state contracts to abide by net neutrality principles. Read more from The Hill.

People are already using Change.org to start petitions asking their governors or state legislatures to the do same. Visit our Net Neutrality Movement Page to find a petition for your state. If you don’t see one, you can start one of your own.

If you’re thinking about starting a new petition, please check to see if there is already one for your state and please only start a petition if you’re able to commit to seeing it through. That means writing strong petition text, engaging with supporters, and becoming a #netneutrality advocate in your state. Here’s a template to help you get started.

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is leading a coalition of 22 Attorneys General in filing a multi-state lawsuit to block the FCC’s net neutrality ending plan. They have filed a petition for review in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, “formally commencing the lawsuit against the FCC and the federal government.”

You read that right. An analysis of comments submitted to the FCC during their open comment period on net neutrality show that millions of comments came from bots using fake email addresses. Despite calls to delay ending net neutrality rules until an investigation into these fake comments could be completed, the FCC has refused: Read more here.

Thanks again for signing Change.org’s petition and for staying engaged in the fight to save net neutrality.

Jon Perri
Director, Campaigns & Partnerships
Twitter: @_jonperri



Jon Perri

Webby Award nominated photographer and storyteller. Impact & Advocacy @Limebike Past: Director of Impact Partnerships @Change . Founder of @NationofChances