What to Know About Nomination of Christopher A. Wray as FBI Director

A.J. Walton
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2017

The FBI continues to be the biggest thing in politics this week, as President Donald Trump just announced Christopher A. Wray as his nominee for the new director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The announcement comes just a day before the former FBI director, James Comey, testifies at a highly anticipated Senate hearing about whether Trump tried to block the FBI’s ongoing investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. And like Comey, Wray will lead the daily operations of the nation’s top federal law enforcement agency.

Who is Wray? He led the U.S. Justice Department’s Criminal Division as Assistant Attorney General during President George W. Bush’s administration. He’s spent the last 12 years leading government investigations and white-collar crimes as a respected litigator for the law firm King & Spalding. He was also the lawyer for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie during the “Bridgegate trial.”

What happens next? Wray will be vetted and voted upon by the U.S. Senate, which can confirm him with 51 votes. It’s hard to know the timing of the Senate confirmation process in this unprecedented political environment. Wray was previously confirmed unanimously by the Senate for his Justice Department role.

Why does this matter? This role — a 10-year appointment — will have tremendous influence on the ongoing Russia investigation and other national security matters for years to come.

What can I do right now? Change.org can help you get up to speed on news that matters to you, and empower you to make the change you want to see. Here’s how you can take action:

  1. Learn more about the FBI director’s role and responsibilities
  2. Read up on Wray’s experience to assess whether you think he’s properly qualified
  3. Start a petition as you take in the news and developments the next few days

The U.S. Senate has the power to give Wray enormous responsibility with this confirmation. Act now to make sure your lawmakers know where you stand on this critical discussion.

We’ll continue to monitor new developments, including the testimonies of James Comey; Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence; Adm. Michael S. Rogers, director of the National Security Agency; Andrew McCabe, acting FBI director; and Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general.

Stay tuned, and be sure to return back to Change.org to see which petitions are taking off in the coming days.

A.J. Walton is a Sr. Communications Manager at Change.org. Justin Lyons is the Director of Campaigns at Change.org and contributed to this post.

