Women Can’t Dunk

allie emert
The Fight for Equal Rights in Sports
3 min readMay 11, 2017
Group picture of some of the WNBA players.

The difference between women’s and men’s basketball has the biggest difference in pay. The league maximum for women’s basketball is $107, 000, the minimum being $38,000. The league minimum for men’s basketball is 525,000. “Yes, the WNBA regular season is 34 games, compared with the NBA’s 82-game slog, but the highest-paid player in the WNBA makes roughly one-fifth that of the lowest-paid player in the NBA. Two years ago, 52 NBA players each earned more than all of the players in the WNBA combined(John Walters).”

I can understand why men are paid more money with this sport. On average each team in the NBA earns an average revenue of 152 million a year. What doesn’t make sense is why they are receiving a bigger chunk of the revenue than the women are. For the WNBA the annual league revenue is around 35 million. All of the women’s teams combined makes less in revenue for the whole year then just one team in the NBA.

Which is why it is completely understandable that the men earn more money in this sport. They are taking in a lot more money so each player should receive more money. The part that doesn’t make sense is that the women are only receiving a third of the revenue that their league makes. The WNBA owners are pocketing the rest of the money that is not going to the women’s players small salaries.Whereas men’s basketball receives half of the revenue that their league makes. So the men’s team is receiving a bigger cut of the money that they make.

It is not fair that the women do not receive the same cut that the men do. The amount of revenue the women receive is close to what the amount of revenue the men received in the 1950’s. So the salary in basketball for women is years behind basketball for the men. It is unfair for the women’s basketball players to be receiving so much less of a cut of the revenue.

Brittney Grier Dunking

Some people will argue that men’s basketball is more entertaining and the only place you will get to see a player dunk is in men’s basketball. But now there are several women who can dunk, so the argument women can’t dunk is invalid. Women are able to do all of the things that men are able to do in this sport. The games are just as competitive and entertaining. The women work very hard to put on a great game for their fans.

Video of just a few times women have dunked.

The WNBA’s attendance is around 7500 per game. Which is very comparable to what the NBA’s attendance was 20 years into existence. The WNBA is growing every year and is a viable business.

So if men and women are able to perform the same way, why are women being paid a crazy amount less.

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