Driving change through collaboration

Fightback Book
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2020

Europe is facing massive societal and economic challenges that are too big to be solved by one player alone

Photo by thiago japyassu from Pexels

At Fightback, we strongly believe that Europe is facing massive societal and economic challenges that are too big to be solved by one player alone. Grand challenges in the energy sector and the oil industry, growing urbanisation, deprecated practices in the built environment, changing demographics, outdated healthcare systems and climate change to name a few.

Felix Staeritz, CEO of FoundersLane and founder of the Fightback movement calls this “the moment of truth for the world, as these problems left unsolved could be catastrophic for the future of the planet.”

We see unprecedented opportunities with digital transformation, the 4th industrial revolution, circular economy, smart cities and sustainable healthcare systems from healthy living to prevention, treatment and care. Furthermore, we see European politicians, executives, and policymakers discussing green-inspired action to restart and strengthen the global economy after the coronavirus pandemic in direct correlation with fighting climate change for good.

Even though we experience global awakening around these topics at top decision-maker level with first approaches to steer their organisations and nations towards a better future, there is often a lack of sustainable strategies to leverage the resources available to make a real difference and move forward with the required speed.

As European citizens, we want to take responsibility and make our mark by co-creating digital-focused solutions to the global challenges we are facing. As corporates, universities, research institutions, NGOs, governments, experts, startups, and executives, we have the chance to make a difference in the world — if we join forces and act together.

For this reason, Fightback aims to achieve what no one has done with any degree of success before. To make this work we act as a neutral platform to foster collaboration and form alliances between the most relevant corporations, decision-makers, and supporters in Europe to join forces and take action. We spearhead thought-leadership, spark innovation and co-create sustainable social impact ventures that align business, the environment and society in a truly unique and unprecedented constellation.

We are currently analysing several industries to establish our first alliance. If you want to join respected industry stakeholders and supporters to co-create global impact based on an unrivalled reserve of resources, know-how, technologies, and digital innovations, we are happy to discuss.



Fightback Book

We are forward-thinking entrepreneurs, investors, non-profits, and CXOs​ acting for a healthy planet with healthy people. https://joinfightback.com/