Prince of Egypt

Project Inspiration

David Lloyd
The Final Year Project 


My friend reminded me that in the late 90s Dreamworks made the film titled ‘Prince of Egypt’ based on the bible story of Moses. Heres the film premise on netflix incase your not familiar with the story.

“Born into slavery but raised as the son of a pharaoh, Moses accepts his destiny: to lead the Hebrews out of slavery and into freedom.”

It really was interesting to see the blending of 3D and 2D in film and I liked the environment designs. Until I saw this film and saw some of the scans of the art book I had never thought about creating the pillars as big as the ones below.

Probably because using Google image search I came across images like this below, which looks like the ceiling is fairly low

Egyptian Throne room

But as a film a quite enjoyed it, though I’m not really a person who enjoys musicals so that was the only aspect that bothered me some what. But as for costume designs it really helped especially when I started creating the extras in the animatic. Having Netflix is a really handy asset!

Screencap from Prince of Egypt

