3 No-Brainer Writing Formulas You Can Use on Social Media

AIDA, PPPP and 5 Objections

Eddie "The Finanz"
The Finanz
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2021


3 No-Brainer Writing Formulas You Can Use on Social Media
Visual Created via Canva

1. AIDA: Attention — Interest — Desire — Action

Attention: The first step is that you need to get your audience’s attention with a title, video, featured image, or something like this.

Interest: Secondly, you need to maintain your audience’s interest.

Desire: Then, you need to create a desire by showing the benefits of your product or service.

Action: Lastly, you need to ask them to take the desired action.

Example → Early access! Here is a method that is helping content creators to avoid wasting time on the wrong content and reach more people: Minimum Viable Content. Want to know how: [LINK/VISUAL/THREAD]

2. PPPP: Promise — Picture — Prove — Push

Promise: The first step is that you need to get your audience’s attention by showing how.

Picture: Showing the benefits of your product or service. Let your audience picture what you’re offering.

Prove: Back up your promise by providing support.



Eddie "The Finanz"
The Finanz

Writing about money stories, content creation, creativity, and a little bit about creator economy