‘Creativity Happens In a Flash’ Is a Myth You Need to Stop Believing Right Now

The ‘Eureka!’ myth

Eddie "The Finanz"
The Finanz
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2021


Creativity Happens In a Flash Is a Myth You Need to Stop Believing — The ‘Eureka!’ Myth
Visual Created via Canva

We like to think of creativity as something that happens in a flash. When we’re stuck on a problem, we might imagine that an epiphany will lead to a sudden solution.

And, we have all had moments of sudden insight or flashes of creativity.

Sometimes these ideas seem to appear as a flash of insight. But new research shows that such insights are actually the culminating result of prior hard work on a problem.

Insights don’t come on their own.

Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi found that almost everyone he studied went through a similar creative process that consisted of five phases:

  1. Preparation
  2. Incubation
  3. Insight
  4. Evaluation
  5. Elaboration

As James Clear puts, “While we often think of creativity as an event or as a natural skill that some people have and some don’t, research actually suggests that both creativity and non-creativity are learned.”

Creativity isn’t something that happens suddenly. It’s something that happens over time.

Creativity is a process like cooking, painting, or inventing.

We create our creations in the same way that we create sentences. It’s not something that naturally happens in a moment. Instead, it’s a process of trying out ideas and experimenting with the alternative, and testing the results against one another.

Just don’t forget, creativity and the ability to innovate are like muscles — the more we use them, the stronger they get.



Eddie "The Finanz"
The Finanz

Writing about money stories, content creation, creativity, and a little bit about creator economy