A Way to Make Money in Tech (without a 9-to-5 or Coding)

B. Green
The Finesse
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2022

Tech, even for graduates can be a difficult career to crack into. It’s become even more competitive, as influencers have touted tech to be the industry work in. It’s attractive for its high entry-level salary wages and allowing employees to work remotely, but one must wonder how most with fair trying to get in.

If you don’t have any technical experience or degree, or hell even the desire to stare at code all day, what are the options? Well, there’s at least one.

Writing can be an excellent way for non-programmers and non-engineers to enter the world of technology because it gives them an opportunity to show off their skills while also demonstrating how they can solve problems by using their creativity and imagination.

Here are a few ways to get started


This is a blogging platform created for developers, engineers and many others who work in the tech industry. But the site isn’t just tutorials. People can talk about their insights and opinions about tech. One way to monetize your blog, is through Hashnode Sponsors, which allows fans of your posts to give you donations.


This is a content marketing platform that specializes in creating content for SaaS and cybersecurity. If you have work published somewhere, you can apply for different positions such as Junior SaaS writer or a technical writer. This can also be a great opportunity for you to network with others in the field.

Freelance UX writing

UX, or user experience, is a form of copy that focuses on text prompts, error messages, call-to-actions, usually found on websites and apps. Slater Katz, author of the blog The Gig Gal, goes into detail about being a freelance UX writer, like learning the craft and getting clients. She used to be a copywriter and states that UX writing had increased her income by 185%.

According to Katz, ideal clients for UX writing are seed stage to series B startups. You can find potential startups on sites like Angel.co

