Love is not a copout or cheesy answer to pain

Annie S. Anderson
The Firebranders Magazine
1 min readNov 17, 2016


Just because I say ‘love is the answer’ doesn’t mean I’m blind or intolerant to what’s happening here in America.

I am the mother of bi-raical children. I have seen and felt the hatred aimed at people of color. I am bisexual. I have seen and felt the hatred aimed at LGBTQ people. I am a veteran. I have seen and felt the hatred aimed at those in service.

Love is the answer is not saying that any of those feelings — anger, fear, terror or anything else — are invalid. It’s not saying those feelings don’t matter.

It’s saying even though I am afraid; even though I am angry; even though I am anxious, I trust that god has my back. I trust that love knows the way to peace. I trust that by walking in that despite everything else, I CAN effect real, lasting, hopeful, healing change.

Because I KNOW without an ounce of doubt that love can dissolve anything that is not loving. ❤️

I also know it begins with — and within — ME.

#BeTrueBeLove #LoveISTheAnswer



Annie S. Anderson
The Firebranders Magazine

Coach, visionary, storyteller. Leading changemakers ready to light up the world w/truth & love. More about me & my work here —