Playing as a Spiritual Practice

April Conner
The Firebranders Magazine
5 min readNov 5, 2018

We have established that playing is important but have you considered that playing can actually be a spiritual practice?

First of all, let’s get one thing straight. All of Life is Spiritual. Therefore, all that we are and all that we do is Spiritual. Tying shoelaces, cleaning the toilet, making lunch, driving, typing, watching the wind — all of this is Spiritual. This is because all of Life is Spirit in form.

When I say it that way, of course, playing is Spiritual.

When thinking of a spiritual practice though it generally means doing something specific to get in touch with the spirituality of Life, looking something like prayer, meditation, or journaling.

Certainly, a spiritual practice is not something as base and ignoble as playing, right?

But I offer you this; most anything can be a spiritual practice if it reminds you of the Divinity of Life. Therefore, what I am suggesting is that we create ways to realize play as one of those perfect avenues for that recognition.

We already play. Every one of us has something that we enjoy or used to enjoy. What playing looks like is as individual as each of us is. Playing is not all outrageous or even obvious from the outside. For some of us, it is riding a bike down a mountain. Others enjoy accounting. I know people that play at cleaning the house. Then there are those that play at playing — a musical instrument, a sport, or a game. We all play.

Playing is just like everything else, it is Spirit in form but rarely if ever do we allow ourselves to experience it this way. So how do we experience it this way?

There are those that would say, “Just choose it.” But really it is a bit more complex than just making a single choice and then seeing all the Joy of the Universe in your life. Those beings that can do that do exist on this planet but for most of us, it will and does take practice — spiritual practice.

It is called practice for a reason. Practice does not mean you have perfected anything yet. Practice is being gentle and compassionate with yourself. It is a process of realization and takes time.


Starting a spiritual practice such as yoga or meditation is the same process as learning a sport, riding a bike, or working with new software. Traditionally you follow a teacher or instructions to get started. You then practice on your own. You allow yourself to not get it “right” while, hopefully, gently correcting yourself. It’s almost as if making mistakes and falling down is part of the learning process. However, by continuing to practice it gets easier.

The same is true for this practice. The process of practice is choosing over and over and over again; in this case, choosing to recognize play as a way to open up to Life and Joy.

Remember, we all play, already. The goal here is to allow playing to remind you of and fill you with the Joy of Life.

So the starting the point is setting your intention for playing. The point of playing is to have fun. The point of a spiritual practice is to be reminded that Life is Spiritual.

Setting your intention doesn’t have to be a big, elaborate ordeal but it is important. It helps set the stage for the realization that every moment is Divine. It can be as simple as saying, “Today, I choose to play as a way to know Joy in Life.” It is a very personal thing, just as choosing an affirmation to work with is. It can be worthless unless you make it your own. I suggest you spend a little time exploring what your intention is and cultivating it in your own words.

Then start your spiritual practice of playing — purposefully, having fun at least one time every day.

A suggestion is to not make your fun or joy dependent on someone else. Certainly, include others if they wish to join you but don’t give up on this practice because you don’t have anyone else to play with.

Play as you play. Don’t let someone else, particularly me, tell you how you need to play. Make a list of the things that you already enjoy and then a list of things you would like to try. I encourage you to change it up a bit with every practice.

The purpose of this practice is to experience joy and remember Spirit as Life so if the idea of your neighbors seeing you being silly makes you uncomfortable and that is going to deter from the pleasure of the experience then don’t do something where you are going to be seen by the neighbors. Do something else instead.

Likewise, for you extraverts in the group, the purpose of this practice is to experience joy not shock the clerk at the store.

In the moment of playing remember your intention. Smile and laugh with joy and let it lift and open you even for just a moment. Let it remind you that there is always Love and that Beauty is everywhere. This space in between is the fullness of Life and when we can recognize it, it lightens and fulfills.

This is a practice and therefore, it takes time and dedication just like learning to cross-country ski. Be patient with yourself. Practice often but at least once a day.

If you forget to play today, then play tomorrow. If you need to, schedule time to play. I personally like the idea of telling others that I have to go play now.

Then take time to remember playing. It really doesn’t matter how much time you spend playing. Remembering the joy of the experience helps to sustain it at the moment and makes future opportunities available for more play.

Joy is an essential part of Life. There are all kinds of ways to experience the Joy in life but one of the fastest and easiest I know of is playing.

If all this article does is get you to play more, I count that as a success. Enjoy the Joy. You will find that the more you allow yourself to experience Joy the more of it you get to experience, the more you’ll see in your life.

Playing can be a catalyst for realizing greater Truths and Realities when used a spiritual practice. So, practice.



April Conner
The Firebranders Magazine

A playful, grateful mystic, a writer, and a public speaker. You can find April @ for inspiration and posts.