About ‘The Fireside’

The Fireside
Published in
1 min readJun 26, 2016

A fireside is a traditional gathering place to deliberate and reflect, to share thoughts and ideas with others about what really matters. In the 1930s and 1940s, Franklin Delano Roosevelt held virtual ‘fireside chats’ with millions of Americans through the radio, where he discussed important events and his philosophy of government. Those chats connected people to government in a revolutionary way and gave people a sense of participation in the life of the country.

The Fireside is a blog striving for intelligent conversation about politics, news, arts, and culture in a new digital environment. Please join me in an ongoing reflection on our nation’s politics, events, and culture as we seek to realize the promise of democratic life.

  • Chris, Editor of The Fireside

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The Fireside

Millennial, FDR Fan, Social Justice Catholic. Blogging about politics, arts and culture at firesideblog.org.