Immigration | Title 42 | Social Justice | Asylum

Title 42: The Invisible U.S. Border Wall with Guerline Josef

In this launch podcast of Witness Radio, we discuss the inhumane impacts of Title 42 on families and Black asylum seekers

Sarah Towle


Photo by Robert Harkness on Unsplash

On the day I joined Guerline M. Jozef of the Haitian Bridge Alliance and Thomas Cartwright, Camilo Perez Bustillo, and Joshua Rubin of Witness at the Border to discuss the tragic unintended consequences of Title 42, President Joe Biden’s administration had already realized 23 deportation flights to Haiti, a country literally on fire.

Today, as we near Biden’s first 100 days, deportation flights to Haiti now number 29. Most of them took place during Black History Month. Meanwhile, the numbers of so-called unaccompanied youth crossing the US Southern border have skyrocketed. Why?

Title 42, Trump’s real wall.

An invisible wall with Stephen Miller’s fingerprints all over it, Title 42 has now become Biden’s wall, as have Trump’s crimes against humanity.

Title 42 traps families in desperate need of humanitarian assistance in some of the most dangerous places on earth. Unable to penetrate this invisible wall, too many parents make the heartbreaking decision to send their kids across to “safety” alone. In Rubin’s words:

“It is a disaster. It is a tragedy. It is immoral. It is horrible.”

Still not sure what Title 42 is? Listen to the inaugural podcast of Witness Radio, a podcast about immigration, endorsed by Witness at the Border:


Recommended Resources:

The Invisible Wall: Title 42 and its Impact on Haitian Migrants
Haitian Bridge Alliance, UndocuBlack Network, Quixote Center

Black Immigrants Matter
by Jack Herrera, The Nation

The Time for a Paradigmatic Shift in How Americans View Immigrants and Immigration is Now
by Sarah Towle, Southern Border Communities Coalition

Seven Myths We Must Unlearn To Reclaim Our Humanity
by Sarah Towle, The Daily Kos, Medium

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Sarah Towle

Award-winning London-based author sharing her journey from outrage to activism one tale of humanity and podcast episode at a time @THE FIRST SOLUTION on Medium