Step 2 - Say it in the subject line

Michael Gentle
The First Three Lines


It seems like an obvious thing to say, but the more useful information you provide in the subject line, the more likely your reader is to open it. The subject line should not be a tease; it should contain a clear, concise summary of your message.

Ah, you might say — that’s impossible! There is a lot I have to cover in my message, and it can’t be captured in five to eight words.

Nonsense! Newspaper articles are far more complex and detailed than your emails, yet newspapers always manage to summarise them in a short, tight headline. If they can do it, so can you.


Meaningless - Meeting

Better - Tomorrow’s 10 a.m. meeting

Best - Tomorrow’s 10 a.m. meeting is cancelled

Now that you’ve got your reader’s attention, keep your email short and simple.

