My First eBook Has Been Launched — A Gift For All New and Existing Writers

‘An Honest Guide To Making Money on Medium’ is now on Gumroad.

Shamar M
The First Time


Image by author.

In 2022, I started an eBook on how to use Medium and had intentions of publishing it on Gumroad, Amazon KDP, etc. However, this went out the window as the consistently dwindled and Medium changed its look. I had to keep going back over my work and change the screenshots, I couldn’t keep up.

After approximately 5000 words, it came to my attention that what I was writing about was being published freely by top writers. Damn. Why would someone pay $9.99 when they can get it for free?

It was time for a new eBook idea. But what do I write about?

Back in October 2023, I had breast reduction surgery and was given a recovery period of four weeks out of the office. It would have been an awful idea to spend the entire time of that time in bed, so I decided to spend a vast amount of time writing stories.


For me, this meant it was a time of rest and recovery but it was also a time for ramping up my productivity levels as I have hardly published on Medium in summer.

My eBook idea only came to me in a dream in my last week of recovery, but it was still an extra five…



Shamar M
The First Time

27. Based in the UK. PG DIP HR Management. Chief of publication The First Time. Editor in About Me Stories.