The First Valentine’s Gift

Given by me to myself.

Mahesh Chandra
The First Time
2 min readFeb 16, 2024


Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

I wanted to buy a Two-wheeler for myself. It was 2021. I had some money saved from my tuition and had given some money to my friends in the past. So I also thought of an opportunity to get my money back from the folks. February was the month when I got back all the money so I made February the right month and what’s better than gifting yourself on Valentine’s Day?

On that day some guests had come from the previous night and by the daytime, they were gone. After that, I took my father to the showroom. I wanted to give him a surprise. So I didn’t tell my father where we were going.

My friend joined us on the way. He was with me all the time for the inquiry and plans for the Two-wheeler. We searched for days to get the right offer. And we finally found one.

Photo by TiAchen Aier on Unsplash

After he joined us, we went to the showroom and decided on the color and model. It took us two hours for the paperwork and the initial processes and we were done. By the evening, I had done the down payment and I had the keys in my hand.

I didn’t know how to ride a motorcycle so my friend was there. He was an expert driver. We filled up the tank by a nearby fuel pump and in an hour or so, we were at our home. From there we took the scooter to a nearby temple to wish God for its well-being and prosperity.

My mom was surprised to see a scooter at her door. She had already called her friends from the apartment and all were gathered in the parking lot for our welcome.

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

I bought sweets for everyone and we enjoyed the evening. Buying something on your own gives you a different happiness and satisfaction. A sense of independence. Although I gifted myself a Two-wheeler, the joy and satisfaction came as complementary.

