The Power of Massage

The Fiske Group
The Scoop
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2019

It’s Sunday morning. I’m about to leave for New York to attend the Global Wellness Institute press conference where more than 130 journalists have RSVP’d to hear the latest research and trends in wellness. Flashback to Friday night, and my neck and the back of my head was producing pain beyond words, so much so that it hurt to sip water. I sat with a heating pad around my neck all day finalizing desk side meetings in the city, not sure how I was going to turn my neck or function when I needed to be 100% and more. My wise, spa loving friend, Kim Marshall suggested I go get a massage. So I called Lake Austin Spa Resort, a Fiske Group client, who is just up the road from our offices and booked a Custom Comfort — a 50-minute targeted massage on the areas that need attention. Friday night Happy Hour at the spa sounded divine. My therapist suggested I lay off the heat, and apply cold to the area. Get rest, drink water and take it easy. After 50-minutes of arnica oil therapy to my shoulders, neck and head, I had better mobility but the pain was still lingering — though not as much. Hopeful, the next day I continued with my cold therapy and maybe a little glass of wine or two, went to bed early and here we are to Sunday. Guess what. NO PAIN. It’s gone — 100%. I feel like me again. I realize what it must feel like to be in chronic pain and I’m so thankful to have a healthy body and have access to amazing wellness practitioners that truly helped me out of the black hole. New York, here I come!



The Fiske Group
The Scoop

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