3 Copywriting Secrets to Become a Better Copywriter

Simple tips for copywriting success!

Michael Nardi
The Fiverr Playbook
3 min readApr 11, 2022


Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

This is NOT a copywriting course.

This is a short article that talks about 3 things, that I’m calling copywriting secrets, that too many new copywriters seem to be missing. These are 3 copywriting tips that will help you become a better copywriter, run a more successful copywriting business, and make more money selling copywriting services.

Make Them Sell To You, First!

One of the biggest misses copywriters face when taking on a new project is not fully understanding their clients business.

It’s hard. Copywriters are often thrown into situations where they are working for types of businesses that they’ve never encountered before, industries they are not familiar with, and products they’ve never heard of.

So what do you do?

You get your client to “sell” their product or service to you first. I put sell in little air quotes there because I don’t mean that you should literally be pulling out your credit card and buying what they’re selling, not at all. But you should have them go through their sales pitch with you, explain their value proposition, and talk to you about their product as they would with a potential client.

Having your client go through this selling exercise with you will help you better understand their product, their industry, and the types of clients they’re selling to. And having this type of information is what will help you come up with copy that’s going to really hit the mark.

So yeah, make sure your clients are “selling” their product to you before you take on the project. If they’re unable to, well that’s a big red flag for you!

Keep It Simple

Have you ever heard the acronym KISS? It’s something I remember from my university days — it stands for Keep It Simple Stupid.

When it comes to copywriting a lot of new writers seem to think that simple writing isn’t good writing. In my experience this couldn’t be further from the truth!

I see so many new copywriters putting together pieces of text that sound super unnatural. I think it comes from writers trying to make their writing seem better than it is, which kind of has the opposite effect.

If you don’t normally write, or speak the way that you’re writing copy it’s going to sound weird. Especially if you’re newer to the whole copywriting thing.

So keep things simple, use less words wherever possible, and avoid filling your copy with long fancy sounding words just because… It’s going to be a huge help!

Steal From The Pros

I’m not talking about plagiarism here. I’m talking about keeping your eyes open for copy written by better writers to see what’s working for them.

We live in a world where we are CONSTANTLY being marketed to. I’d imagine that at the time of reading this post you probably have 20+ emails in the “promotions” tab of your inbox that you’ve received over the past week. Take a look at them, click through to the websites, get a feel for the tone of copy different brands are using.

Doing this, “stealing” from the pros, is a great way to get inspired and to expose yourself to great writing form other writers. It will help you become a better writer.

Try it out!

That’s it for today! Feel free to hit me up on YouTube or Twitter for more helpful insights!



Michael Nardi
The Fiverr Playbook

Canadian Blogger— Freelance Copywriter. YouTube Content Creator. Aspiring Novelist. www.youtube.com/c/MikeNardiTV