Fiverr Predictions For 2022

Michael Nardi
The Fiverr Playbook
5 min readJan 12, 2022

…will 2022 have the same growth as 2021?

Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash

The last couple of years have been a roller coaster ride for platforms like fiverr. With people around the world quitting their jobs, trying their hand at freelancing, and discovering sites like fiverr for the first time the platform got a lot of attention!

Investors took notice too, pumping fiverr’s stock price up to over $300 per share at the peak of the pandemic in early 2021 up from the $20-$25 price per share it was hovering around in pre-pandemic times.

2021 was a great time for making money on fiverr as a freelancer, but will the gravy train continue in 2022?

Here are my top 3 predictions for fiverr in 2022!

Prediction #1: Less Freelancers Joining Fiverr

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

In 2021, with The Great Resignation at full force, we saw millions of people quitting their jobs. But things look a bit different this year, 2022 seems to be the year where we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with the pandemic. Things are slowly going back to normal and with that a number of people are making their way back to working from the office.

People are getting back into the habit of having to commute to work, spend 8 hours at the office working, then commuting back home. Time sucking responsibilities that we didn’t really need to worry about as much over the last few years are coming back into people’s lives.

Because of this I think that there’s going to be quite a few freelancers who joined sites like fiverr in 2021 who simply don’t have the time for a side hustle anymore. For that reason I think fiverr’s going to lose a bunch of the freelancers that joined in 2021. And also, I think that there might be a lower percentage of new freelancers joining in 2022 when compared to 2021 for that same reason. I think there are going to be more people around the world going back to the 9–5 who just don’t have time to sink their teeth into starting their online freelance businesses this year.

What does this mean for freelancers?

Well, if you’re already on fiverr or thinking about it this might be an advantageous situation for you. Less competition relative to 2021. And that’s always a good thing!

Prediction #2: Way More Buyers Spending Money On Fiverr

Just because I think that there might be less freelancers joining fiverr in 2022 that doesn’t mean I think there are going to be less buyers on the platform. I actually think the opposite is going to happen when it comes to new buyers joining the platform.

Why? Well fiverr is a business, a publicly traded business… Duh.

It’s fiverr’s goal to make money, and buyers who spend money on the platform are fiverr’s bread and butter. They generate the orders that fiverr takes a 20% cut from, they pay the service fees when placing orders, they ultimately create the demand that makes fiverr a worthwhile platform for freelancers.

So in 2022 I think fiverr is going to keep the marketing engine firing on all cylinders. Last year they invested in their first ever Super Bowl ad (which is a massive marketing expense), and this year I see them focusing their sights on attracting more business clients to the platform. Business clients because businesses have ongoing needs which would potentially result in some nice recurring revenue over time.

Fiverr’s already been rolling out certain features (like the new business profile layout) that hint at fiverr business becoming a bigger priority for the company in 2022. So let’s see what happens!

What does this mean for freelancers?

If it isn’t obvious already, this means more opportunity for freelancers to make money on fiverr! If fiverr continues to drive new buyer clients to the platform like I think they will that means more projects to go around, more projects means more money, more money means more happy freelancers!

Prediction #3: Increased Focus on Crypto and NFT Type Services

Photo by Executium on Unsplash

This one might not be much of a prediction versus an observation. But like the rest of the world (where Crypto and NFTs are dominating the internet) I think fiverr will also begin catering to this huge global demand.

Whether or not you believe in Crypto or NFTs they are trending right now. There is an international craze around both that’s causing a lot of money to change hands. Hundreds of large companies have already announced some form of Crypto or NFT integration into their corporate roadmaps… So why wouldn’t fiverr?

Fiverr’s already created a trending service category on their homepage which showcases Crypto and NFT type services and I expect this to become a bigger focus in 2022.

Lot’s of people are trying to capitalize on this hype. Many who don’t possess all of the skills required to launch a Cryptocurrency, NFT project, or blockchain initiative. This makes fiverr a perfect place to find and outsource talent.

What this means for freelancers?

If you possess a skillset that can be tailored to the demand created by NFT or Crypto entrepreneurs looking to outsource tasks on fiverr I believe there’s going to be a big opportunity for you to cash in on those skills in 2022.


I think big things are coming for fiverr in 2022, big things that I think are going to create great opportunities for freelancers to profit. Feel free to hit me up in the comments letting me know if you agree, or have some predictions of your own. Wish you all a ton of success freelancing on fiverr in 2022! Thanks for reading!

Also, feel free to hit me up on YouTube or Twitter if you have any questions, happy to help answer them in any way that I can!



Michael Nardi
The Fiverr Playbook

Canadian Blogger— Freelance Copywriter. YouTube Content Creator. Aspiring Novelist.