How To Choose The Right Gig Tags For Your Fiverr Gig

Michael Nardi
The Fiverr Playbook
5 min readOct 19, 2020

When creating a fiverr gig the hope is that it gets noticed, that people purchase it, and that you start making money hand over fist. That’s easier said than done. A big part of what makes a fiverr gig “successful” is how effective it is at appearing in fiverr search, how often people click it, and ultimately how often it converts those clicks into paying clients.

Fiverr gig tags are keywords that sellers can add to their gigs to help increase the likelihood that those gigs appear in fiverr search. The idea is that a buyer searching for services on fiverr would be using those tags, or related tags, when searching. If those tags are related to the tags used in your gig it should increase the likelihood that that gig appears in their search results.

Over the past few years I’ve been growing a business of my own on fiverr. I offer copywriting services and have gotten to the point where my gigs are getting noticed and purchased consistently. To get to this point I’ve made a lot of mistakes and tried a lot of different things to get me to where I am today.

In this post I’ll be talking you through my process for picking the right tags for fiverr gigs to help maximize their chances of appearing in fiverr search results.

First, There’s No Magic Formula

The first thing I’ll point out goes against a trend I’ve noticed online with all things “make money online” related… there is no magic formula or template you can copy and paste to find success with anything on fiverr. I’m sorry, there just isn’t. We live in a world where finding the easy way, or the get rich quick method is what people search for — unfortunately, that’s just not how things work here.

As with everything I post that’s fiverr related, this post will be helpful to you if you keep that in mind. Success takes time, effort, trial, error, and practice. So when it comes to how to choose the optimal gig tags for your fiverr gig, keep that in mind. This way you won’t be let down or discouraged if things don’t skyrocket immediately for you. If they don’t take a deep breath, and try again.

Ok, I’ve set the expectation, given you the disclaimer, now it’s time to get into fiverr gig tags.

Work Backwards From Your Buyers

When it comes to gig tags, the first thing you should be thinking about IS NOT, “what is the best tag for this gig,” but instead, “who is the buyer that will likely purchase this gig”. This is key, and should be the starting point when brainstorming what the best gig tags for your gig might be.

Photo by Blake Wisz on Unsplash

It helps if you write down a buyer persona for the types of people that might need the services you’re offering. Creating a buyer persona isn’t an exercise exclusive to fiverr sellers, it’s a common exercise that’s used in sales and marketing all over the place. If you need help figuring out the types of things you should be thinking about for your buyer personas, google it. There are hundreds of guides and blog posts out there to help you, a quick google search will get you on the right path.

To get you started, think about how old your buyers are, what they do for work, how tech savvy they are, what are their interests, etc. This isn’t rocket science, so don’t worry if you’re having trouble thinking of the perfect persona, the exercise is more about helping you think like a buyer which will help with selecting gig tags to target them.

Once you’ve created possible personas, try putting yourself in their shoes. Sit down at your computer, open fiverr and type something in fiverr search. Something you think they might type if they were looking for help with their business. Are the keywords they use the same keywords you would use when creating your gig? Do they use words that don’t really align with the industry jargon you’ve become familiar with as an expert in your niche? Do they even know what to search for to find your gig?

In doing this you’ll quickly realize a few things. The first is whether or not you and your buyers are on the same page when it comes to understanding the services you offer. And the second is whether you should tailor the language you use in your gig to match more closely with what they might be searching for.

Fiverr Search Auto-Complete

After I’ve done some brainstorming on who my target buyers might be, I’ll take what I’ve learned from that exercise and check it against fiverr search. I’m referring to how most search engines will auto-complete your search query after you’ve started typing it. This can provide powerful information as it gives you an inside look into what that search engine might be recommending to potential buyers.

I’ll usually spend a bit of time writing down all of the various keywords, related keywords, keyword strings, and long tail keywords I can think of. Once I have a meaty list, I’ll start typing each one into fiverr search to see what fiverr comes up with. This process isn’t super scientific, I’m basically just trying to get familiar with what keywords or keyword phrases might be commonly searched for.

I find this is pretty helpful when trying to boil it down to a handful of the best tags.

Last, Learn From The Pros

Last on your to-do list for finding the best gig tags is to take a look at what other sellers are doing. Search for the keywords that you think your buyers might be searching for, and check out the highest rated sellers that come up on the first page of results. If you click on their gigs, and scroll down to the bottom of the page you can see related tags. Under the review section is where you’ll notice a “Related Tags” heading.

Take a look at these tags, do they align with the tags you have been thinking about based on your buyer persona research? Are some of them the same, but others very different than what you would have thought to use? Think about it, and decide whether you might want to incorporate some of these tags as well.

I put this as the last step because I think that getting into the habit of just trying to copy what works for other sellers is a sub-optimal way to go about any business. Sure, it can be helpful to learn from what other more successful sellers are doing, but it shouldn’t be the only thing that you build your business on in my humble opinion.

Conclusion: Deciding on fiverr gig tags is important and I hope this post is helpful for you. Just remember, there is no magic bullet, some things might work and others might not. Success takes time, and trial and error… don’t give up, and good luck!



Michael Nardi
The Fiverr Playbook

Canadian Blogger— Freelance Copywriter. YouTube Content Creator. Aspiring Novelist.