Money Making Mindset For Freelancers

Michael Nardi
The Fiverr Playbook
3 min readSep 30, 2021

…it’s probably not what you’d expect!

Photo by Josh Riemer on Unsplash

A concept I’ve been exploring lately, is how to help new freelancers or side hustlers adopt a mindset that will help them make more money selling their services online. Really, this is a mindset that applies to anyone in sales.

Here’s why this has been on my mind…

Almost everyone I speak to who’s getting into freelancing or sales for the first time seems to share a similar mindset when it comes to interacting with potential clients… and it’s not a positive one.

The mindset people seem to have is one where they are absolutely THRILLED every time a new client gives them the time of day. They are ESTATIC, and will do whatever they can to jump through hoops to make sure this prospect is satisfied, kept happy, entertained… they feel SO LUCKY to be given the time of day and will do anything to get the deal.

You may have heard the term “happy ears” in sales. Yeah, this is kind of like that.

Here’s the issue with this mindset when it comes to handling new prospects and getting the deal. If you’re constantly feeling like you are the lucky one to be given time of day, and will do anything to get the deal your buyer is going to see that for what it is… You’re desperate!

It may also create a sticky situation for you if they do decide they’d like to give you a shot and buy what you’re selling.

Here’s why. If your prospect feels like you’re willing to do everything and anything to win the deal, are desperate to win the deal, and need this deal- they are going to rough you up in the process making you do things you probably don’t want to do or wouldn’t need to do otherwise. Things like offering heavy discounts, more work included for the same price, preferential treatment, better billing terms… They’re going to capitalize on your weakness.

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

So instead of thinking that you’re so lucky that the prospect is giving you time out of their day FLIP THAT MINDSET.

You are lucky that they are spending time with you, but so are they. The respect for each others time needs to be mutual. You can be excited that they are giving you the chance to pitch your services, but have the mindset that they are also lucky to be getting time on your calendar for you to show them how your services can help.

Having this mindset, that you’re time is also valuable, helps position you for what you are (or at least should be). Someone who is an expert at what they do, and is selling a service that will help make your prospects life a whole lot easier. You’re equals, sell like you’re equals.

Trust me, this works. MANY people sell with what I call a “flea market” mindset. Where their services are worth only what their prospects are willing to pay. Their price is forever negotiable (sometimes creating a race to the bottom in their marketplace), and they don’t value their time.

Flip the mindset. They are lucky to be speaking to you. Be the expert that you are. Be the professional that you are. And prove that to them through the quality of your interactions. It will pay you dividends.

Happy selling!

Ps… feel free to hit me up on YouTube or Twitter if you have any questions, happy to help answer them in any way that I can! Happy Selling!



The Fiverr Playbook
The Fiverr Playbook

Published in The Fiverr Playbook

Medium’s fiverr tips and advice publication. We discuss fiverr from a freelancer’s perspective, providing tips and best practices for anyone looking to make money as a freelancer on the fiverr platform.

Michael Nardi
Michael Nardi

Written by Michael Nardi

Canadian Blogger— Freelance Copywriter. YouTube Content Creator. Aspiring Novelist.