The Naked Man — Chapter 16

Jill Amy Rosenblatt
The Fixer
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2024

When the alarm buzzed at five a.m., Katerina jolted upright from her seat at the kitchen table, gasping as a sharp pain shot through her neck and back. Reaching out, she slapped her hand down on the cell phone, cursing as her coffee cup tipped over on its side. A trail of brown liquid snaked a path to the edge of the table and dribbled onto the floor, spreading into a puddle.

Kat sighed as she stretched carefully. Collecting herself, she turned her attention back to the open text book that she had abandoned some time around three a.m. Lying on the open pages was a photocopy from a Sotheby’s catalog. She needed to find out who had purchased the cabinet. But how? She didn’t know anyone at the auction house. She didn’t know anyone who dealt in antiques.

“Shit,” she said, slamming the book shut.

She eyed the bursar’s letter, still lying on top of the pile of mail. She pushed the chair away from the table and got up. “I need to get a move on,” she murmured aloud. “There isn’t much time.”


“Emma, I’m sorry about last night,” Kat said, fighting to be heard against the swell of noise from the recesses of the subway. “It was so late when I got done.”

“What happened?”

Katerina bit her lip. Still fuzzy from the late night of studying, she hadn’t thought ahead to have her story straight. “I needed to drop off some documents and I got lost. It was hectic.”

“How’s my car?”

“The car’s fine. I just need — Emma, can I keep it for a few more days? I’m sorry. I’ll bring it back with a full tank of gas…promise.”

“Oh sure, hon, as long as you need to. You know I never drive it.”

Kat broke out into a smile. That was the truth. Emma never did drive the car but she would never sell it. Someday she might need it.

“Listen doll, lucky for you Frank had to work late last night or I’d be plum mad at you right now. I’m having a party next Saturday night. You have to promise to be there. Now promise.”

“Okay, okay, I promise.”

“All right, sugar, I’m gonna hold you to it. Remember, my boyfriend’s a cop. I’m gonna send him to get you and the car if you don’t show.”

“I’ll be there,” Kat said, her stomach somersaulting at hearing the words “boyfriend” and “cop” in the same sentence. She hoped she wouldn’t be seeing Emma’s boyfriend for any other reason outside of the party. In the meantime, she was stuck. She needed an expert.



Jill Amy Rosenblatt
The Fixer

Author of the crime suspense fiction series, The Fixer. I write about people doing naughty and nefarious things . . . and anything else that comes to mind.