Men Can’t Handle Menstruation, Pastor Opens Up About Late- Term Abortion, and More

The Fixx
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2016

The Fixx is a weekly editorial roundup for humanists. It includes our favorite articles, happenings and opinions.

New Study Shows Uber Drivers Discriminate Against African-Americans and Women

The National Bureau of Economic research recently conducted a study that shows Uber drivers cancel on “African-American sounding names” more than twice as often as other passengers.

Oh it doesn’t stop there. The study also found that women were taken on longer routes and overcharged. Some participants even noted that drivers chatted them up only to drive through the same intersections more than once.

An Uber spokeswoman told Bloomberg, ““Discrimination has no place in society and no place on Uber. We believe Uber is helping reduce transportation inequities across the board, but studies like this one are helpful in thinking about how we can do even more.” (Via The Cut)

If It’s Not Too Much to Ask, Let Women Run in Peace

Runner’s World polled their audience to see how many face street harassment while running and you can guess the result— A LOT.

43% of female runner’s said they have been honked at, whistled at, cat called etc. during outdoor runs. 63% said they route their runs around potentially dangerous areas, while others claimed to wear layers to disguise their bodies in an effort to ward off creeps.

Wouldn’t you know it, 96% of men polled said they have never experienced such harassment. We can only hope the poll was an eye opener to those who have tried to put the mack down on a female runner. (Via Elle)

Pastor Shares Story of Late Term Abortion

After Trump’s ridiculously inflammatory remarks concerning late term abortions, senior minister at New York City’s Riverside Church Rev. Dr. Amy Butler penned a heartfelt essay on her experience.

During the third trimester of her second pregnancy, a group of doctors shared some horrible news with the reverend and her husband. She writes,

“All the doctors came in the room together, stood around the bed, and told me that my baby was severely developmentally compromised; that she would die at birth, if not before, after a very short, excruciatingly painful few minutes of life; and that continuing the pregnancy to full term would be very dangerous for me… I had a choice, and I chose to make the hardest decision and carry the pain of that decision with me for my whole life to ensure that my child didn’t suffer”

Only about 1% of abortions are performed late-term. Read Rev. Dr. Amy Butler’s full letter over at USA Today. (Via Cosmo)

Suck it Up, Crybabies

A new study on men’s birth control with a 96% success rate was forced to end early. Participants simply could not cope with grotesque side effects such as mood swings and acne.

According to the study, “Of these 20, 6 men discontinued only for changes in mood and 6 men discontinued for the following single reasons: acne, pain or panic at first injections, palpitations, hypertension, and erectile dysfunction.” The last eight men dropped out citing mood changes. Hey guys, you get a pass on the erectile situation, but keep in mind a lot of this is stuff women endure monthly. MONTHLY. (Via Broadly)

Jascmeen is a freelance writer living in Los Angeles. You can find her babbling on her blog and being weird on her YouTube channel.

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