Woman Bravely Has Sex With Her Husband Every Day for a Year, Tampon Tax Still Active at Duane Reed, and More

The Fixx
Published in
3 min readSep 5, 2016

The Fixx is a weekly editorial roundup for humanists. It includes our favorite articles, happenings and opinions.

NY Tampon Tax is Alive and Well

As you may recall, the NY tax on feminine products was supposed to be repealed as of 9/1. Recently Duane Reade customers noticed that they were still being taxed and started sharing pics of their receipts on social media.

After a flood of receipts hit Twitter with the #tweetthereciept hashtag, Calvin Peters, a Duane Reade spokesperson, issued the following statement:

“While we were updating our POS systems in preparation for the sales tax exemption taking effect yesterday, we experienced an error that prevented the new exemption from going through. We have worked and resolved the issue and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.”

The good news is if you still have your receipt, you can get a refund. The bad news is that the tampon tax was even a thing in the first place. (Via The Cut)

Woman Bravely Has Sex With Her Husband Every Day for a Year

Meet your new hero. In an effort to “face her body,” this mom of three decided to have sex with her husband every night for a year. After getting the idea from her friend (apparently this is a thing?) and the expected green light from her hubby, the couple started in on nightly sex.

The results— body positivity, self-confidence, and new levels of intimacy. Check out a portion of her inspiring story on Cosmo.

Photo: Jacob Langston/TNS via Getty Images

Let the Church Say, “Amen!”

You may remember Elizabeth Smart as the young woman who was kidnapped and held captive for nine months back in 2002. She’s making her name for herself as an activist and speaking out against abstinence teachings and the emphasis on female purity. Here’s a excerpt from her recent interview with Broadly,

“You’re like this beautiful fence,” she remembers being told in class after she’d returned home. “And you hammer these nails in, and then every time you have sex with someone else, it’s like you’re hammering in another nail. And you can take them out, you can repent of them, but the holes are still there.”

“I just remember thinking, This is terrible. Do they not realize I’m sitting in class? Do they not realize that I’m listening to what they’re saying? Those are terrible analogies. No one should use them, period. Especially for someone who’s been raped, they’ve already felt these feelings of worthlessness, of filth, of just … of just being so crushed, and then to hear a teacher come back and say, ‘Nobody wants you now’ … You just think, I should just die right now.(Via The Cut)

Jascmeen is a twenty-something writer living in Los Angeles, you can find her babbling on her site and being weird on her YouTube channel.

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