I Need More Time! I’m Moving Too Slow?

jessica 🥔
2 min readFeb 29, 2016


Created by Pendleton Ward

Falling behind is scary. Falling behind after feeling like you’re late to the game is even scarier.

A year ago I made a decision which changed my life, I started coding. Turns out I have a passion for this stuff because since then it’s all that’s on my mind/all I really do(in addition to “regular” life). But here’s the problem, I feel like I’m falling behind! AH!


Is it the sleep? Is it the fact that I choose not to saturate my body with caffeine? Is it the fact that I enjoy going to the gym in the mornings and being healthy? I don’t know what it is, but I feel like I’m being left behind.

Now could I be over exaggerating? Perhaps, but I don’t feel like I’m doing as much as I could. Going to hackathons every weekend, working on projects, going to meet ups, it’s not enough!

I have an insatiable hunger for knowing more that needs to be fed, and yet I also have all other walks of life draining my time away. Oh yeah, and then there’s school. Sometimes I forget I’m still a student with classes that need to be attended(not really), oops.

It amazes me that in an age where we have so many devices which tell time, it’s still difficult to keep track of where time goes.

Tech is fast paced. Most people are hyped up on 5 energy drinks and 3 hours of sleep, a day. Everywhere I look around and people are pooping projects out like vine videos. What world am I living in? Time to add some more weight to the bar and power through (hehe, lifting pun).

Written after making the conscious decision to stay up (for the most part)all while knowing when 4am rolls around I need to be in the gym and today I actually have a long day. R.I.P my sleep and eyelids.

#keepHacking #stayFlawless



jessica 🥔

💻 iOS Engineer + Spatial Computing 📱 building apps/experiences 👄 @picklejuicefm 🤖 Founder @bornbklynstudio