From this moment on

A raft of Cole Porter classics buoys George Sidney’s delightfully zany backstage meta-musical about putting on a show: KISS ME KATE

Jorge Mourinha
the flickering wall
5 min readJan 20, 2020


KISS ME KATE, US 1953, 110 minutes. Starring Kathryn Grayson, Howard Keel, Ann Miller, Keenan Wynn, Bobby Van, Tommy Rall and James Whitmore. Directed by George Sidney; screenplay by Dorothy Kingsley, from the musical play by Samuel and Bella Spewack with songs by Cole Porter. MGM/Warner Archive

You do realise this whole inter-meta-textuality mise-en-abîme post-narrative thing etc. is hardly modern or even new. That quaint and all but abandoned musical genre has always had a ball playing with it — the…

